Read / Verguer
Author: Monday, May 26, 2008
Best Place To Get Brazilian In Edmonton
Fandom: Original Story .
Characters: Lea, Verguer.
Words: 2. 202.
Notes: Read just out of reform school, the St. Fremont. Verguer has gone to pick it up. She, who has chosen him, not Ben (who was just fired the bullet-table-). The two, who start something new, and they deserve to be happy. Written especially for Roser (
crossed the main gate without luggage, walking as if he could not believe their feet returned to freedom on the street, looking all around and finally setting his sights on he who, with his hands in his pockets and leaning against the passenger door, waited with a look of longing. They had seen before, for only a few Read minutes that had left the suitcases and then had re-entered explaining (back, and away) I had to say goodbye to everyone.
went downstairs. She wore a white button shirt and short jeans, the sun lit up the dark straight hair, snow-white skin, arms that already seemed to be gaining in color and barely make out the scars of the past. Verguer stood up and walked toward her. Lea smiled and, in the last step, he threw his arms. He walked around, feeling her perfume and fine fabric of the shirt under his big hands, which harbored. Lea felt protected, warm, happy. Verguer more pressed against him. Lea laughed in her ear, a moment before bursting into tears that mourn in a long time had been repressing. Happiness and sadness melting into a strange state of mind that made her feel like another world, a few inches of soil.
Le cried on the shoulder to him, not anyone else. The sobbing intensified, varied and, ultimately, stopped. Read up the face and he felt the sun on her cheeks. Verguer dried her tears, then took her hand and led her to the car.
she no longer wanted to leave him so once she sat, her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. It was well for a while, his feet on the seat, barefoot because they had removed a navy blue shoes worn and less existing. Verguer kissed her hair, kissed her forehead. Lea looked at the road that lay before her, the way to go and, for once, felt no fear, it felt as if his chest swell of expectations.
- Come to my house?
"No, not yet.
"I thought that was what you had agreed with my mother.
him, without turning, he smiled. Read what looked a while, gauging whether to ask another question. Suddenly, the heart began to beat violently in the chest.
- you take me to see Hales?
"I'll take, but not today.
-A few days ago I lost my photo of him that his wallet.
"When you have custody, Lea, you see every day. And make all pictures you want.
- What if they give me, uh, Custody? "He shook his voice.
"The trial is in two weeks, and tomorrow you will go to enroll in school for the year that is, as we agreed. Your mother told you please say you've changed, now you're responsible, you'll go to college. And besides, you now have a stable partner. So worry no more, baby. I hate to see well. Today is your day of freedom, not thinking about anything, right?
She turned away, walked to the window and rested her temple on the glass while they smile full, satisfied, he did not want him to see. And stayed that way, thinking, looking at the line of the road pass. The car was warm, Verguer stood there, so close I could touch him if he wanted to be, to support it, to hold it if he fell, to kiss him when it was needed. Read wished with all his might that moment to never end.
were in the suburbs. He took her to a park, an amusement, those neon lights and cotton candy, roller coasters and endless. Out of the car, Leah could not believe my eyes. He slung his arm and had fun like a little girl, laughing, stealing their corn cob, forcing him to ride in a car that you had very high and, once there, raise your hands to touch the sky with fingers . He pressed and gave her a kiss on the cheek when Leah won a stuffed animal (a white kitten with a bow at the neck), who settled in the back of the car once again, thinking it would, of course, for Hales.
Verguer restart the car and it was noon and it seemed that that was not completed.
- Verguer!
- What?
language will be staggered so that in the absence of words fell on him, embraced him.
- Where do you take me now, eh?
"There's a gazebo near here, from which you see the sea.
- Why do not you take me to the sea? "It's
further. About an hour away, and it is terribly cold.
"Come to the sea.
He laughed.
"It's your day, I can not say no. Read
gave him a kiss on the mouth and then pulled away. He was euphoric.
went to sea, and there way to listen to the radio, as dusk and the sky turned orange and red. Leaving the car, walked barefoot to Read the shore where the waves broke, and once there, she turned to him. Then he glanced at the foaming water and salt and began to undress. He took off his pants, shirt, and by the time he was unbuttoning her bra, she looked to see if he tried to discourage it by saying that the water was cold and pneumonia if Pillari bath. But Verguer did that, but also stripped, followed in his madness, plunged into the sea ice for her.
- Do we have blankets, towels, anything to get dry? Lea asked, throwing her arms around while the tide crashed into his hip.
"We your clothes and the car heater.
She threw her head back, laughing. Verguer welcomed her in his arms, kissed her jaw, cheek, mouth. Read threw kisses her so much that he noticed how vibrating every nerve in his body from the feet to the crown. Lips parted, held its tongue stuck to his nose and supported the palms on both sides of your hair. He sighed, kissed, bit. We walked around the waist with his legs and he took her out, leaving from time to time to kiss her because he lost his balance the rhythm of the waves. Then lay on the shore. He did hint get up to at his pants, where he had condoms. Read took his wrist and pulled him.
"It's okay. I'm taking pills.
He looked for a moment, looked first surprised, then confused, and Lea was afraid to look at her with suspicion, judging. But he did nothing about it, no asked why? or by whom? , but its way to get jealous was kiss her and love her more strongly.
He kissed them all, everywhere. Read threw his head back and hair, still dry, was filled with sand. It died and disintegrated into small pieces which he then rejoined his belly rubs, sides, back. She blushed when he kissed her thighs, going up. He closed his eyes, gasped, groaned, thinking that only someone had done that until then, realizing that he was embarrassed. But then you forgot, like so many things, and dumped and left to do, thinking that Verguer know much, much of human anatomy.
shiver and many other things when he to lie on her back, between her legs. We walked around the neck with your arms, the water lapping the feet, knees bent unconsciously when he pushed her, so particular that I had to make love. He smiled, kissed her on the lips, Verguer panted, gasped, sinking her and whispered in his ear that he had missed, that he had forgotten the time he had wanted to have her around and losing it again and you , I love you, Leah, I love you .
When she fell on were lying, so, for minutes that were eternal. Open mouth kissing her neck, that would leave marks, and Lea had never felt so close to anyone not believe anything that seemed to be living a dream.
Then he took her hand to lift, dressed from complaints by the salt and the skin is not only wet but covered with sand. The hour and a half drive from way back to the city happened to her in an instant, like a flash, because he fell asleep leaning on the window first and then his shoulder, where the heat went looking sleepy given off by your body. Verguer was tired, exhausted, in fact, because I had slept badly the night before and the day had been very long (and very full, too), but endured stoically and even brought her back to a read half asleep to your floor. She wanted to stay there that night, and had warned his mother, because I felt to wake up the next day back in the convoy was likely too large print, and not comfortable.
The undressed and while she did, she opened her eyes. Verguer threw her hair back and looked, with the dim light from the room reflected in her face, reflecting in part the dream and part of something much bigger, a satisfaction that came from within. He kissed his thin lips, fingers interspersed between tufts of black hair. Stumbled into bed and read and just wearing underwear and wool socks. Verguer come said, has been an exhausting day, you have to lie , but Lea shook her head, turned to pull it toward him and clung to his neck. Pearly skin, messy hair, the look that he devoted not hurt a fly in his life, and suddenly Verguer no longer had much sleep.
And then him on the edge of the bed, straddling her between her thighs. The kisses were stunning, took her somewhere else and then made Back so fast (when they became anxious, desperate) that felt like I was drunk, drunken kisses, and smiled at the thought, " Verguer kisses keep me sober, always here."
whispered "I love you, and then got scared of what he had said, but even so, he liked to hear. He looked at her and put her hair behind her ears, Lea blushed, but did not hide, but stared at his face. I love you, Verguer. I wish you had been with me before.
"Now I'm here.
nodded twice, then hugged him. I felt a lump in my throat mix of all that had gone through to get there and everything he had, because now it was when he played to be strong and not collapse again, and that she had to learn it (although not teach anywhere, in any book.) She began to mourn in a quiet, without noise, and this time the cries lasted all night. Verguer cradled against him the whole time, knowing that Leah needed a way to detoxify the old memories of the evil past, saying "I'm here" a thousand times (and that was accurate, exactly what she needed to make sure you incessantly until end convinced at all).
slept late, when most of the night was over, under the quilt room he who lived alone, I had work the next day.
In the morning a good strong coffee, and see Leah sleeping in their clothes compensated. When he returned, tired, not found in the room or anywhere. On the nightstand was a note saying bad cut, with words almost illegible (and from that moment was when Verguer began to get used to uncover what she wrote): "You are my constant in life. " Read
had gone to register and then home to face their fears. He still had his scent, and some sand from the beach on the quilt. Verguer realized he had won a lot, I knew it would be difficult, which may one day so full as that would not be repeated in a long time. But no hurry, and all that was read and all that it implied it was discovered over time, like her, and both had to make many sacrifices for the other but, after all, deserved worthwhile.
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