Fandom: Original Story .
Words: 315.
Notes: My last story written and published seventeen. I thought it would be another, slightly longer, but that still have not finished (and I think it's even more surreal than this). That deep down we all believe princesses, or so I read in an article. And the prince did not exist, at least not one that is perfect on a larger scale. Let there be no roles, no clichés, remove all the frogs (male and female) once and for all.
(In the background all the fault of Disney.)
- Castle Ah!
The cry echoed in the vastness of the clearing. In the tower, the princess looked out the window. Finger combing her golden hair braid that fell over her shoulder uncovered.
"This is not a castle, knight, is only one tower," said a tired voice, without a modicum of enthusiasm.
The rider on the horse disagreed with a nod.
"Well, I see a tower and therefore a strength that is, without doubt, a castle.
"Nobody has come here and nobody will come. So, gone. He made a graceful gesture with his hand and then disappeared down the same hole in the window.
- Open the door, I command you! Open now, nobody turns down a prince, let alone a princess! Come on, headstrong girl! When he did not hear any noise, not seeing even a shadow for minutes and minutes, eventually surrendered. Snorted, wounded, and consequently turn pretending to hurt. At the end I marchitaréis, and when they do, and no more suitors come to try to win your heart.
He left the horse at full gallop, leaving the clear and penetrating through the trees.
Inside the circular stone room, the princess went to her bed, pulling the curtains and fell on the coverlet of unicorns. Stretching his arm, grabbed her teddy bear, a bear with a plaid tie and red roses at the neck. Pressed it against his chest. A tear ran down her cheek with transience.
"I reject them at all, they reject. Do not open the door to the tower, those who claim to be princes, but are not, they bluff. He sighed, stood up and Braid broke up while still crying and watched her reflection in the mirror on the wall. Rejection because they never said no I want.
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