About insult to humanity in general and women in particular. Beautiful disaster
Pirates of the Caribbean 3. I did not like. The script seemed written by monkeys smoking dope and was the most boring thing I've seen in my life. In the end I was going to watch the final. It seems that there will be Part 4 * is hidden and not want to know anything about it *.
But there was still the best. Today I rented Knocked , wanted to see it because I thought it would be funny and above all because the one that turns out Izzie on Grey's Anatomy (after accepting such paper, at this point I've lost a little respect.) It is a disgrace to film, writer / director of Virgin to 40 (if I had known not lame). It makes no sense anything that happens in it ... Let's see, (and from here spoilers, but if I were you would not see it, almost better to see Pirates or a movie I saw about a murderer who was just dog and the dog only killed people who would find) the girl will a nightclub with her sister league with a guy who is ugly and nasty just talking (if I me a guy says "What nice legs, what time do you open?" shot him first what you are drinking to the head and then I go) I'm obviously not to get drunk and lose consciousness and stop throwing a powder (horrible, by the way, Uncle seemed to have made only with inflatable dolls so far, surely, and moved that was disgusting, and enjoying it ... What exactly?) Without a condom. The second thing without head and feet do not realize they're pregnant until two months later, and it is because he says a colleague at her vomiting. The third party without rhyme or reason: she had not wanted to know nothing of the kind because he was an incredible disgust after seeing him naked in the morning, so called, says she is pregnant and the accompan , and the gynecologist. And what is better, as the gynecologist again it was another moron for several reasons, start making out because oh! are a couple again. Her mother, which was depicted as harpy, but it suggests that abortion at any time without mentioning the word abortion (the devil is a word!) And she of course denies it, please mini embryo that two months is already a little baby which has photos and everything. So the coolest aunt in the world, professional in their work and had just ascended, he leaves everything aside and start a relationship with a macho guy, dirty, intellectual capacity of a carrot and says no more crap and pointless and sexist obscenities per second because it can not. His friends, of course, are like him. Although at the end of the movie she is super friendly and leave all of them taking the baby, when minutes before they were getting everything in the body and had conjunctivitis because one had thrown a fart in pillow one with the ass (?)-and I quote maso less verbatim.
course after many different fights, obviously can not stand, do not want to or anything, but her sister tells her little daughter "People want to get married and have children, and your aunt '- she can not stand it anymore, and when he sees his sister a nightclub doorman tells not let go because it's an old ( How many years has a sister? "thirty-five?) but although it is an old (and repeats) is the Follari, the dust And it would mataríaa many powders -literally, "because he realizes that he will not remain forever young and beautiful, and perhaps your boy that gets the finger from the nose and talks about women like animals that are sold and exchanged a few Coin no wanting to follow her when she is old, because in the background are very different and would always fighting and she does not want to end up like her sister! To all this she is beautiful throughout the movie but feel bad, because "I'm super fat and ugly, I am disgusted." He tells the boy (almost crying): I'm sorry I dragged into this relationship (?) But I think we are very different, I do not end up like my sister I do not want change because you are great, and if you like smoking dope or crack or go to Las Vegas to catch a buzz .... because that is something you do because you are so and does not mean it's wrong.
So I left and the two super sad ohdiosmío just lost the love of my life. But then when she gives birth, he accompanies her to the hospital and behaves great with her and then she goes to sleep and wake up and everything is fine. Go home as happy to 20km per hour as she looks at her baby and he says it was worth it all and now is happy that night went to bed.
And then start out pictures of babies or we know where we are (?)
whole movie I have not seen entire course ... if not would be tearing eyes. My parents and I have seen the first half hour and then we despotricábamos removed while at home, we have In the Valley of Elah , a good film that should not go in this post next to the another. And then I wanted to see an end to the other, because the fund had a glimmer of hope that there was something I lose the urge to kill the writer / director (who are the same person), but not , I've spent it fast and when the end I stayed: o_o.
My mother has said that we send an email to Angel Martin to put it in your movies section.
(Oh, and yesterday I saw Little Miss Sunshine , thankgod)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Toilet Bowl Almost Empties
As needed "change", I created a new community for stories that start from scratch.
(And the sequels, or at least I think for now, I'll keep posting here)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Buying Cigarettes Online
kitty_partner @ 2008-07-14T21: 49:00
I could say "songs that inspire you when writing? The type
Grey's Anatomy & hearts I really like.
I could say "songs that inspire you when writing? The type
Grey's Anatomy & hearts I really like.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Boobs Of May In Pokemon
Sex and the City - Charlotte York III
kitty_partner .
Fandom: Sex and the City (Sex and the City).
Claim: Charlotte York.
Table: Generic table .
Notes: The first group of sentences would be within the context of his childhood, the second when they are adults, but not have to be related to each other.
(I have not seen the movie yet, so I do not want no spoilers, please.)
Fandom: Sex and the City (Sex and the City).
Claim: Charlotte York.
Table: Generic table .
Notes: The first group of sentences would be within the context of his childhood, the second when they are adults, but not have to be related to each other.
(I have not seen the movie yet, so I do not want no spoilers, please.)
XLI. The conclusion had come to Charlotte when her mother left her alone on Thanksgiving because he was working was that, Mrs. York, those around her at work were far more important than her daughter, and felt small and inferior and wanted to be an adult and have an important profession that her mother looked.
XLIII. It was spring, she wore white pirates, he, the neighbor across the street, who had come to drink lemonade and help with homework, "I was lying on the grass in the backyard of his home, watching the sky ," does What are you afraid "he asked," that is I soiled clothes, "the boy laughed at her and in a careless, took her hand and made her stumble and fall, once in the ground, Charlotte realized that what he feared, in the end it was for both.
XLII. Once he had knocked down, sniffed the wind and freedom, he pointed to a tag and said "look, that looks like a princess on her throne, like you," she blushed, "how do I what?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, then smiled, "like you, a princess."
XXXV. The two long braids of dark hair bounced on his back, and ties collected that seemed to go releasing each new step on the sidewalk, her mother took her hand and ran both happy at the amusement park of the city.
XLIX. Every time someone dropped a malicious joke about baldness Harry, Charlotte, faster than him, he laughed and replied that this did not matter at all because she had long hair so had by two.
XXXI. From Trey, where Charlotte had been living with that flat the months he was too broad and lonely but now, finally looked like a real home .
XXXII. Sometimes mourn not mean you're sad from time to time, the confusion makes you cry, this being but is not, that feel lost causes tears you spill, this was a part of it as scary men Trey, those who could not console and they were afraid of crying, had never managed to understand.
XXXIV. It was raining, but not romantically, her cross-legged on the mattress, biting his thumb and shuddered to each new thunder, and it was not until Harry reached the end of work and cradled in his arms, that Charlotte could sleep.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Best Place To Get Brazilian In Edmonton
Read / Verguer
Author: Fandom: Original Story .
Characters: Lea, Verguer.
Words: 2. 202.
Notes: Read just out of reform school, the St. Fremont. Verguer has gone to pick it up. She, who has chosen him, not Ben (who was just fired the bullet-table-). The two, who start something new, and they deserve to be happy. Written especially for Roser (
crossed the main gate without luggage, walking as if he could not believe their feet returned to freedom on the street, looking all around and finally setting his sights on he who, with his hands in his pockets and leaning against the passenger door, waited with a look of longing. They had seen before, for only a few Read minutes that had left the suitcases and then had re-entered explaining (back, and away) I had to say goodbye to everyone.
went downstairs. She wore a white button shirt and short jeans, the sun lit up the dark straight hair, snow-white skin, arms that already seemed to be gaining in color and barely make out the scars of the past. Verguer stood up and walked toward her. Lea smiled and, in the last step, he threw his arms. He walked around, feeling her perfume and fine fabric of the shirt under his big hands, which harbored. Lea felt protected, warm, happy. Verguer more pressed against him. Lea laughed in her ear, a moment before bursting into tears that mourn in a long time had been repressing. Happiness and sadness melting into a strange state of mind that made her feel like another world, a few inches of soil.
Le cried on the shoulder to him, not anyone else. The sobbing intensified, varied and, ultimately, stopped. Read up the face and he felt the sun on her cheeks. Verguer dried her tears, then took her hand and led her to the car.
she no longer wanted to leave him so once she sat, her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. It was well for a while, his feet on the seat, barefoot because they had removed a navy blue shoes worn and less existing. Verguer kissed her hair, kissed her forehead. Lea looked at the road that lay before her, the way to go and, for once, felt no fear, it felt as if his chest swell of expectations.
- Come to my house?
"No, not yet.
"I thought that was what you had agreed with my mother.
him, without turning, he smiled. Read what looked a while, gauging whether to ask another question. Suddenly, the heart began to beat violently in the chest.
- you take me to see Hales?
"I'll take, but not today.
-A few days ago I lost my photo of him that his wallet.
"When you have custody, Lea, you see every day. And make all pictures you want.
- What if they give me, uh, Custody? "He shook his voice.
"The trial is in two weeks, and tomorrow you will go to enroll in school for the year that is, as we agreed. Your mother told you please say you've changed, now you're responsible, you'll go to college. And besides, you now have a stable partner. So worry no more, baby. I hate to see well. Today is your day of freedom, not thinking about anything, right?
She turned away, walked to the window and rested her temple on the glass while they smile full, satisfied, he did not want him to see. And stayed that way, thinking, looking at the line of the road pass. The car was warm, Verguer stood there, so close I could touch him if he wanted to be, to support it, to hold it if he fell, to kiss him when it was needed. Read wished with all his might that moment to never end.
were in the suburbs. He took her to a park, an amusement, those neon lights and cotton candy, roller coasters and endless. Out of the car, Leah could not believe my eyes. He slung his arm and had fun like a little girl, laughing, stealing their corn cob, forcing him to ride in a car that you had very high and, once there, raise your hands to touch the sky with fingers . He pressed and gave her a kiss on the cheek when Leah won a stuffed animal (a white kitten with a bow at the neck), who settled in the back of the car once again, thinking it would, of course, for Hales.
Verguer restart the car and it was noon and it seemed that that was not completed.
- Verguer!
- What?
language will be staggered so that in the absence of words fell on him, embraced him.
- Where do you take me now, eh?
"There's a gazebo near here, from which you see the sea.
- Why do not you take me to the sea? "It's
further. About an hour away, and it is terribly cold.
"Come to the sea.
He laughed.
"It's your day, I can not say no. Read
gave him a kiss on the mouth and then pulled away. He was euphoric.
went to sea, and there way to listen to the radio, as dusk and the sky turned orange and red. Leaving the car, walked barefoot to Read the shore where the waves broke, and once there, she turned to him. Then he glanced at the foaming water and salt and began to undress. He took off his pants, shirt, and by the time he was unbuttoning her bra, she looked to see if he tried to discourage it by saying that the water was cold and pneumonia if Pillari bath. But Verguer did that, but also stripped, followed in his madness, plunged into the sea ice for her.
- Do we have blankets, towels, anything to get dry? Lea asked, throwing her arms around while the tide crashed into his hip.
"We your clothes and the car heater.
She threw her head back, laughing. Verguer welcomed her in his arms, kissed her jaw, cheek, mouth. Read threw kisses her so much that he noticed how vibrating every nerve in his body from the feet to the crown. Lips parted, held its tongue stuck to his nose and supported the palms on both sides of your hair. He sighed, kissed, bit. We walked around the waist with his legs and he took her out, leaving from time to time to kiss her because he lost his balance the rhythm of the waves. Then lay on the shore. He did hint get up to at his pants, where he had condoms. Read took his wrist and pulled him.
"It's okay. I'm taking pills.
He looked for a moment, looked first surprised, then confused, and Lea was afraid to look at her with suspicion, judging. But he did nothing about it, no asked why? or by whom? , but its way to get jealous was kiss her and love her more strongly.
He kissed them all, everywhere. Read threw his head back and hair, still dry, was filled with sand. It died and disintegrated into small pieces which he then rejoined his belly rubs, sides, back. She blushed when he kissed her thighs, going up. He closed his eyes, gasped, groaned, thinking that only someone had done that until then, realizing that he was embarrassed. But then you forgot, like so many things, and dumped and left to do, thinking that Verguer know much, much of human anatomy.
shiver and many other things when he to lie on her back, between her legs. We walked around the neck with your arms, the water lapping the feet, knees bent unconsciously when he pushed her, so particular that I had to make love. He smiled, kissed her on the lips, Verguer panted, gasped, sinking her and whispered in his ear that he had missed, that he had forgotten the time he had wanted to have her around and losing it again and you , I love you, Leah, I love you .
When she fell on were lying, so, for minutes that were eternal. Open mouth kissing her neck, that would leave marks, and Lea had never felt so close to anyone not believe anything that seemed to be living a dream.
Then he took her hand to lift, dressed from complaints by the salt and the skin is not only wet but covered with sand. The hour and a half drive from way back to the city happened to her in an instant, like a flash, because he fell asleep leaning on the window first and then his shoulder, where the heat went looking sleepy given off by your body. Verguer was tired, exhausted, in fact, because I had slept badly the night before and the day had been very long (and very full, too), but endured stoically and even brought her back to a read half asleep to your floor. She wanted to stay there that night, and had warned his mother, because I felt to wake up the next day back in the convoy was likely too large print, and not comfortable.
The undressed and while she did, she opened her eyes. Verguer threw her hair back and looked, with the dim light from the room reflected in her face, reflecting in part the dream and part of something much bigger, a satisfaction that came from within. He kissed his thin lips, fingers interspersed between tufts of black hair. Stumbled into bed and read and just wearing underwear and wool socks. Verguer come said, has been an exhausting day, you have to lie , but Lea shook her head, turned to pull it toward him and clung to his neck. Pearly skin, messy hair, the look that he devoted not hurt a fly in his life, and suddenly Verguer no longer had much sleep.
And then him on the edge of the bed, straddling her between her thighs. The kisses were stunning, took her somewhere else and then made Back so fast (when they became anxious, desperate) that felt like I was drunk, drunken kisses, and smiled at the thought, " Verguer kisses keep me sober, always here."
whispered "I love you, and then got scared of what he had said, but even so, he liked to hear. He looked at her and put her hair behind her ears, Lea blushed, but did not hide, but stared at his face. I love you, Verguer. I wish you had been with me before.
"Now I'm here.
nodded twice, then hugged him. I felt a lump in my throat mix of all that had gone through to get there and everything he had, because now it was when he played to be strong and not collapse again, and that she had to learn it (although not teach anywhere, in any book.) She began to mourn in a quiet, without noise, and this time the cries lasted all night. Verguer cradled against him the whole time, knowing that Leah needed a way to detoxify the old memories of the evil past, saying "I'm here" a thousand times (and that was accurate, exactly what she needed to make sure you incessantly until end convinced at all).
slept late, when most of the night was over, under the quilt room he who lived alone, I had work the next day.
In the morning a good strong coffee, and see Leah sleeping in their clothes compensated. When he returned, tired, not found in the room or anywhere. On the nightstand was a note saying bad cut, with words almost illegible (and from that moment was when Verguer began to get used to uncover what she wrote): "You are my constant in life. " Read
had gone to register and then home to face their fears. He still had his scent, and some sand from the beach on the quilt. Verguer realized he had won a lot, I knew it would be difficult, which may one day so full as that would not be repeated in a long time. But no hurry, and all that was read and all that it implied it was discovered over time, like her, and both had to make many sacrifices for the other but, after all, deserved worthwhile.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Babysitter I Was Raped
Small bullet
kitty_partner .
Fandom: Original Story .
Words: 315.
Notes: My last story written and published seventeen. I thought it would be another, slightly longer, but that still have not finished (and I think it's even more surreal than this). That deep down we all believe princesses, or so I read in an article. And the prince did not exist, at least not one that is perfect on a larger scale. Let there be no roles, no clichés, remove all the frogs (male and female) once and for all.
(In the background all the fault of Disney.)
Fandom: Original Story .
Words: 315.
Notes: My last story written and published seventeen. I thought it would be another, slightly longer, but that still have not finished (and I think it's even more surreal than this). That deep down we all believe princesses, or so I read in an article. And the prince did not exist, at least not one that is perfect on a larger scale. Let there be no roles, no clichés, remove all the frogs (male and female) once and for all.
(In the background all the fault of Disney.)
- Castle Ah!
The cry echoed in the vastness of the clearing. In the tower, the princess looked out the window. Finger combing her golden hair braid that fell over her shoulder uncovered.
"This is not a castle, knight, is only one tower," said a tired voice, without a modicum of enthusiasm.
The rider on the horse disagreed with a nod.
"Well, I see a tower and therefore a strength that is, without doubt, a castle.
"Nobody has come here and nobody will come. So, gone. He made a graceful gesture with his hand and then disappeared down the same hole in the window.
- Open the door, I command you! Open now, nobody turns down a prince, let alone a princess! Come on, headstrong girl! When he did not hear any noise, not seeing even a shadow for minutes and minutes, eventually surrendered. Snorted, wounded, and consequently turn pretending to hurt. At the end I marchitaréis, and when they do, and no more suitors come to try to win your heart.
He left the horse at full gallop, leaving the clear and penetrating through the trees.
Inside the circular stone room, the princess went to her bed, pulling the curtains and fell on the coverlet of unicorns. Stretching his arm, grabbed her teddy bear, a bear with a plaid tie and red roses at the neck. Pressed it against his chest. A tear ran down her cheek with transience.
"I reject them at all, they reject. Do not open the door to the tower, those who claim to be princes, but are not, they bluff. He sighed, stood up and Braid broke up while still crying and watched her reflection in the mirror on the wall. Rejection because they never said no I want.
Monday, April 21, 2008
How Old Is Katesplayground
Sex and the City - Charlotte York II
kitty_partner .
Fandom: Sex and the City (Sex and the City).
Claim: Charlotte York.
Table: Generic table .
Notes: All of pincipio ( except the first) and even of freedom , included, are in his teens, about their first time. The last but not including the word itself is always :).
Fandom: Sex and the City (Sex and the City).
Claim: Charlotte York.
Table: Generic table .
Notes: All of pincipio ( except the first) and even of freedom , included, are in his teens, about their first time. The last but not including the word itself is always :).
XXVIII. When he confessed his Samantha disease, Charlotte was the first to give that handshake, gentle, warm, sincere-she so needed.
XI. About your first time, the boy who touched his lips and his heart, Charlotte never say his name because, even now, he feared that his voice trembles a bit when referring to him as if not part of a dream.
XII. He was not the kind of guy, much less; for that, because he wanted a look out as it were, Charlotte went to school wearing a short pleated skirt and a tight pink shirt, sensual in its innocence, unsure of herself, hesitated, nervous, and yet he had not noticed her, but when that child with big eyes and dark green leaned on his locker, leaned over and whispered "You're sexy", with caramel and hoarse voice, Charlotte knew that was not wrong person.
XV. With his hand, he covered the cheek (the touch another skin against hers was new, even strange, but he liked), then pressed his mouth over hers, in a chaste kiss and children, almost tender, a second before making the joke of the trip and throw her to bed.
XIV. Your first time might have been just teen sex inexperienced, but it was not, he wanted it, during that short period of time in that bed sheets embroidered with her, stuffed animals turned toward the wall, the desired and Charlotte felt it well when he wiped them with the index finger (with big hands and warm) seconds before the tears that had toured the temples.
XVII. "You me, I knew as soon as you saw, "she assured him, at the same time he got rid of his hand white, velvety, long fingers," "no, no, Charlotte" and looked at her experience the older boy, "I know there are many others, do not pigeonhole me, this small, it's over," she did not fight, pleaded not simply let him go, then on the couch huddled under layers of blankets, I then came the tears .
XVI. The weakness in tracing the line was obvious in every brush stroke was not strong, was blurred, lost between overlapping colors on each other, melting against the shadows, and, on sight, Charlotte knew that picture would be your favorite forever (that Girl with a pearl earring of Johannes Vermeer).
XIX. Feeling the wind speed, smell the green countryside, and to look to the road in convertible car that was going away more and more of his hometown, Charlotte smiled, put his hand to the handkerchief that held his hair and with a smile, replied affirmatively when asked Susan, with smiling expression (and hands on the wheel), "that this really it helps to forget, eh? "
XX. Charlotte often wondered if freedom would not be an antonym of dependency, then, if so, in his eighteen years is not viewed with much promise of becoming someone free enough to go to study in another city, as felt unable to leave behind the familiarity of home.
XIII. In fact, although they were two polar opposites, Charlotte and Samantha were much closer together than the others-and even-imagine themselves, that Charlotte knew as she felt the tears of his friend on his shoulder, rid into tears once had accepted the death Miranda's mother who, along with Carrie's hand, leaving the Church.
IV. The pain is invisible, because you can see, is liquid, because it sneaks through the repeated to himself the soul without letting up, it's hard, because it falls like a ton weight on your head, and pain, that pain and inhospitable irreversible, can only be alleviated with the help of the family, which may well be the birth or you yourself have created;
in the case of Charlotte, his family consisted of her friends, these little people do not be anxious really want at times uneven, but throughout life
(and then came Harry and small, but it is already another story).
XXI. They met for a picnic in Manhattan, the four friends, with their tapers and their stories of love and sex, eating, laughing, without giving importance to this feeling, that kind of unbreakable bond becomes, without you noticing in the hub of a life .
XXXVII. The technology had never been his own: he knew from that small, burnt their fingers in the toaster.
XXV. The devotion with which Harry was looking as she walked down the aisle in her white dress is not erased even when the was shattered, hurt or enraged, but lasted since then and forever, for eternity.
XXVI. "You have taken a long time to reach me, but here you are" were the first words that he dedicated to his baby, when I was in my arms, "and I promise you'll be my priority in life, because I have waited many years to love you. "
Sunday, April 20, 2008
How Many Films Has Jenna Jameson Been In
Sex and the City - Charlotte York
Author: Fandom: Sex and the City (Sexo in New York).
Claim: Charlotte York.
Table: generic table.
I. Charlotte was six years old when he died his first dog, Doggy, and the only consolation he received was that of the cold skin of a porcelain doll.
II. Think again and again in his first kiss as a warm and tender touch, soft, loving the rain, I imagine closing your eyes while in bed, when fifteen years old, a virgin lips, and just watched Breakfast at Tiffany's.
III. The first time Charlotte's little hand touched the baby thought it was as smooth had ever touched and, without realizing it, this simple thought made her mourn.
V. The way Harry had to eat was anything but traditional, with the sipping soup spoon, steak knife, fought with, and the potatoes seasoned just with the whole mouth full of salsa, but even so, Charlotte always enjoyed the time he, seeing her look of disapproval, grabbed one of the embroidered napkins and wiped the corners of his mouth with finesse that borders on the bizarre, making her laugh.
VI. If you asked Charlotte what was his concept of Romanticism, she would answer without hesitation: the tub of ice cream that Harry would buy every night and stolen kisses (hypothetically) under rain in a dark, dimly lit the elegant street lamps in New York.
VII. One thing Charlotte has never told anyone, not even the fearless Samantha, a story that has to do with smeared chocolate, cream pot, and Harry moaning and screaming from the rooftops words, though she never say out loud, make blush and laugh at a time.
VIII. When Carrie dedicated his book, he felt his chest filled with happiness , the dedication read, " to Charlotte, the eternal trickster, you always believe in love " and then she closed her eyes and promised, by them-Carrie and Charlotte, and for all, that's never going to change.
IX. stuck the phone to your ear sad, "Mom?", Expecting to hear a word of encouragement, because they had just break (first time) the heart, a romantic, excited and still weak heart, but on the other side of the line her mother murmured "Sorry, honey, now I can not go to dinner, we have much work here at the Hospital and Charlotte felt it broke a little more inside. ;
X. To their ears came the sound of hail hitting the window, it was Sunday, and thought "I wish snowing, so tomorrow should not go to school", but they were in spring and, in the end, it snowed.
XXX. When that shooting star passed over their heads, those of the four, Miranda snorted and looked away, Carrie laughed and closed his eyes tightly, wrinkling his nose and asking for something immediately that included and excluded Mister Big commitment phobia, Samantha wanted, almost unconsciously, as she did not believe in what - continue to be as fabulous as ever, and Charlotte looked up to heaven, clasped her hands tightly and thought "I want to marry a beautiful wedding and a husband's story,"
(at the end, the little princess she met Harry, and , with him, fell for the imperfect).
What Is Ur Mucus Like
Table Generic - a phrase - Sex in New York
bullets are constituted by a single sentence of those who write in a moment, I intend to breathe a little more than break my head looking for ideas. In other circumstances, I would not with that fandom.
Fandom: Sex and the City (Sex and the City).
Claim: Charlotte York.
From his childhood until now, may contain spoilers for all seasons. Nor do I know if there is a fandom of the series in English, but even so, I wanted to write about it, since it is my favorite of the four ♥. The table is a new community,
una_frase .
bullets are constituted by a single sentence of those who write in a moment, I intend to breathe a little more than break my head looking for ideas. In other circumstances, I would not with that fandom.
Fandom: Sex and the City (Sex and the City).
Claim: Charlotte York.
From his childhood until now, may contain spoilers for all seasons. Nor do I know if there is a fandom of the series in English, but even so, I wanted to write about it, since it is my favorite of the four ♥. The table is a new community,
# 01 - Consuelo | # 02 - Kiss | # 03 - Soft | # 04 - Pain | # 05 - Potatoes |
# 06 - Rain | # 07 - Chocolate | # 08 - Happiness | # 09 - Telephone | # 10 - Ears |
# 11 - Name | # 12 - Sensual | # 13 - Death | # 14 - Sex | # 15 - Touch |
# 16 - Weakness | # 17 - Tears | # 18 - Speed | # 19 - Wind | # 20 - Freedom |
# 21 - Vida | # 22 - Jealousy | # 23 - Hands | # 24 - Taste | # 25 - Devotion |
# 26 - Always | # 27 - Blood | # 28 - Illness | # 29 - Melody | # 30 - Star |
# 31 - Home | # 32 - Confusion | # 33 - Fear | # 34 - Lightning / Thunder | # 35 - Links |
# 36 - Market | # 37 - Technology | # 38 - Gift | # 39 - Smile | # 40 - Innocence |
# 41 - Conclusion | # 42 - Clouds | # 43 - Heaven | # 44 - Paradise | # 45 - Hell |
# 46 - Sun | # 47 - Luna | # 48 - Waves | # 49 - Hair | # 50 - Supernova |
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Ohio Drivers License Renewal Late Fee
independent Delilah ~ Bullet
Fandom: Original Story .
Characters: Delilah , Asad.
Words: 753.
Notes: Vignette independent long history. Located in adolescence.
Fandom: Original Story .
Characters: Delilah , Asad.
Words: 753.
Notes: Vignette independent long history. Located in adolescence.
was thirteen. Thirteen, and was a Sunday afternoon, lazy, and there was a boy's room, filled with smoke, and a boy, with blond hair and brown eyes, who was not looking. She, at this point, that does not care. She was concentrating on being on top of it and staying with the shirt on, because she felt self-conscious of her breasts almost non-existent and did not want him to see. Background chorus sounded a blue and dye pop song Delilah when she lost her virginity. I was thirteen.
In her mind, she knew it was unlikely that Assad would remain a virgin at seventeen. But to him, watching him when he spoke to his girlfriend Felhina-hair or touched her lips kissed her, wanted to believe that they had reached over to the blonde, it was his brother, was responsible, good-natured and thoughtless of Asad, and could not have slept with that girl, not yet. "I'm not ready for that," she said to herself, but her words did not have any sense.
But then it happened. Saturday morning was full of light, the weather was fine and Felhina had appeared at the door with a math book and a good girl smile on his round face. His father was away on a business trip and his mother was doing pilates in the garden with friends and relaxing music. Delilah was bored so I made lemonade. He filled two glasses and went upstairs to the room of his brother. He did not call because he thought it did not matter much to interrupt his boring arithmetic problems.
So the saw. They were naked, him on top of it. Dropped his glasses down and abruptly closed the door, hands in the mouth and feeling that his face warmed by the second. He was blushing a second, maybe third time in his life. Asad heard noises in dressing and then, when she saw him open the door and out into the hall, he knew that he was going to throw the fight. I was so nervous that he was unable either to say "sorry."
-Delilah, by God.
were both standing, facing each other, and Delilah could not hand off your mouth and stop thinking about him, completely ignoring the girl who was in the bedroom and that surely would feel a thousand times more embarrassed than she.
"You could knock on the door, you know? I say to another ... "coughed nervously. Damn, why did not you call?
"Oh, Asad.
wanted to take several steps back and get lost in the wall. I wanted to stop looking at her lips, neck, shoulders of his brother, and the beating of his heart were a little slower. Mourn wanted to vent.
"If you look like a baby, Delilah, who will come without warning occurs when I'm on my room with my girlfriend? Might have expected an intrusion and our parents, who always wants to know everything. But you ... just you, Delilah, who lost her virginity at thirteen, and she did not know if it was his intention, but his ears rang with contempt.
"He brought lemonade. Seriously. The ... "finally brought his hands from his mouth and dropped to his sides, helpless. I was not spying or anything like that. I can not believe you think that ...
The situation was too violent. Maybe that's why, by nerves, he burst into tears. He looked stunned, not knowing quite what to do next. It was assumed that she was not the victim, but still did. Delilah was so disconcerting that, when Asad was a second step forward, she shook her head, turned and started down the stairs.
Once he heard the door slam, she knew that Delilah was gone, you know where to find out why. She always ran away from life, that was a fact. One year after the model went to California, and Asad never knew that a small part of it, unconscious, fleeing silenced emotions that had flooded that afternoon.
For now he, ignorant of all, he turned and went back into the room, forgetting to realize the broken glass, lemonade and, as if it were part of a package, also Delilah .
Friday, February 29, 2008
Baby Block Cake Recipes
Fandom: Original Story .
Title: windows overlooking the gray sky.
Words: 4. 509.
Rating: M.
Status: Unfinished . Long history.
Notes: incest warnings.
Delilah looked like a sweet girl. Small was a troubled girl who was not satisfied with anything which continued to play until he fell rendered in bed and always had a smile for the elderly, and flattered that he repeated over and over again as they often do adults always-how pretty she was.
Then, in adolescence, he began to not really knowing what he wanted. It felt as if I was back around, as if she had kissed all the boys in his school, as if he had rubbed shoulders with the best-and more harpies-girls in her class, as if his life had become so monotonous that nothing-not even get link to the great Drew Grant-was a challenge.
For So when one man who looked more like a child pervert the editor of a magazine stood by him in the cafeteria a November 22 as she took a lemon sorbet and his fingernails, and said he was very nice, I had very seductive lips and if they had been raised to become a Book to send to any journal, Delilah's life turned around 360, no, rather than 720 degrees.
At first I loved it. She loved to send him photos, which are pending for it. Although it was difficult and cost scale, worked hard, got up at six in the morning when needed and just not having time to study, stopped. I was afraid that her face kept appearing in magazines mediocre popularity, they continued to pay him so little and I had to stop being a model and having to go back to school, he hated, but that did not happen. His way of moving attracted, how they look like, her full lips ( that mouth is pornographic, John , had heard from one of the cameras during a photo shoot, porn, I tell you ) and vicissitudes of good luck of fate made it possible that one day a woman with blue jacket that looked over the man asks, his voice dry girl, do you want to work in America?
All people need a reason to live your life, and at that time Delilah became a model. He knew his parents did not want-or at least did not want it as much as his younger brother, and therefore the best would want herself she was. The first person who gave him the good news was to Asad, who had a mixed relationship of love and jealousy, he had always been envious of him and his way of doing things, their life balance. Part of her hoped that, with the news, change the tables, and outside who put him jealous to think that, with only nineteen, Delilah and went to live abroad. But it was not. Asad was good even for that, and hugged her and gave her two kisses on the cheeks, as I used to always put that content.
Once, several years ago, Maggie, his mother had confessed that she felt calm and had never been disturbed or was going to worry much for her like her father, because small , Asad is there, is your little brother but both know that is there to take care of you, to protect you, Delilah . She sulked. "Do not be macho, mama, Asad does not have to protect anyone, because I'm old enough and care that neither my friends or my boyfriend hurt me."
I'm not referring to that, said her, shaking his head as he always did that Delilah would not understand, listen to me, daughter. You have a restless spirit, a spirit of balance, and Asad will become a man with his head on his shoulders, with the balance in his veins and he, your brother will give you the security you need. Protect you, yes, but of yourself.
Delilah went alone to California. At bottom, it was said, I've always been alone. My mother was French and was rare. My father was immersed in his work and just pulled her head to look at how quickly towards Asad gave a flawless future. But today, I am not alone anymore.
And was not. He made so many friends it seemed that the agenda of his mobile was saturated. The festivities were fun, the canapés were delicious, loved to dance, I loved the makeup and pose for an advertisement for a clothing line for the cover of a magazine for girls in their underwear. She paid no attention to what was good, it was touching the line fingers and that was surpassed, and precisely why it was not refused to snort cocaine (which in those days was very fashionable) in the toilet seat girl service, with the perfect party music resonate your ears.
His birthday fell on February 14, and maybe that's why it took so little time Delilah in love with Ariel. He was a boy from the scene, though not exactly of the highest levels. Trying to climb from below, and although no studies had was very good at dealing with people, was too wordy and very easily to tell lies without noticing. It was not difficult to get, just cost achieve to have sitting next to him on the couch in the VIP room, whispering in his ear as he put his hands under her skirt and stroked the inside of the thighs. He was blond, had curly hair and dark eyes. She was lost in it, the holidays, photographs and drugs. Because there were many drugs and too much alcohol.
With a five dollar bill bundled and placed in the nose, with Ariel in his legs and signs of a perfume ad yelling how beautiful it was, Delilah went one, two, three years. She thought she was not alone; is convecía itself that was so and was happy. Asad called at least once a week and now I knew that I loved without reservation, because both he and she were successful, because the two were happy and did not have to vie for the love of their parents. The only thing I did not understand was why Delilah cried every night for two, why he sometimes called his brother to three in the morning and desperately begged him to go see her, why we moved on to heroin, arms pinch (always careful not to be marked.)
Suddenly his life is no longer seemed so perfect, not nearly as happy. The monotony of the beat as it had done years ago when I was a teenager believed to be already had lived through. Was sighted, but did not appear. She had been saving money because I wanted to move out of that tiny apartment that the company had rented. I wanted a change of scene, to prove to herself that life was not finished model for her and often dreamed of making TV ads, even to become host of a program, because I was tired that you do pictures, because now , to see them, looked flat and dull.
Asad, who visited her whenever he could, went to her for her birthday number twenty. This time Delilah hated being born on Valentine's Day, because he did not see couples (who seemed to have suddenly multiplied) holding hands, did not like to see the windows filled with pink and red, did not like it snowed, because it just made everything even more romantic and stupid.
Her boyfriend held a dinner to which he invited the most influential people, which came to him in wins, thinking only of your convenience. Maybe that's why Delilah, to sit at the table and start talking, felt the world was falling over. In fact, he thought, I know one iota to the people I've worked for so long and they did not know me. And that was not transient paranoia, but that lasted all evening. Finally, just before they brought the cake, he fled to the bathroom. She was not prone to vomit, but I used to always carry a bag of cocaine in case. Without her noticing, as Asad, who was his brother who had noticed immediately that something was not right, he followed her and stood waiting at the bathroom door.
When he left, Delilah was staring. He had been talking to a girl with curly hair and blonde to leave, as Asad called, laughed like a fool and said, Your boyfriend has been waiting. Delilah, in other circumstances, had not been flushed. But he did. And then she turned to him, with silver beaded bag in his hands, barely holding on their high heels.
"Well, Asad, you here, and giggled. He did not realize that his eyes did not focus well. He approached her, worried.
"Look, I saw that you're okay. No need for us to stay if you want. We can go. I'll buy you a cake.
"You're a reckless idiot," she growled. My boyfriend bought me this cake. And tiramisu, my favorite. Are you implying that I'm having fun? -La laugh again bubbled up to her throat. Who are you to suggest that? You, you're never? You, you left me alone?
He ran a finger under the nose. Then, the bag fell to the ground. And she, going to catch him, lost his balance and fell as well. He extended his hand.
"Help me up.
- What's the matter, Delilah?
"I said help me.
- Have you drunk?
- Oh, how scary! Did you tell Dad?
-brat. Get up, we go.
"No, I do not want.
"Oh yes.
"Do not.
- Noooo.
the ground up, grabbed her arm and dragged out, making sure that the people who was still sitting on the table and did not seem to miss the presence of the birthday-not realize that they left. She complained, Asaaad, Asaaad by favooor , but he got into the cab of a push.
Once inside, grabbed her face and looked carefully. It was not alcohol. But he refused to admit himself to any other variant. His sister was a drug addict, was not. Although always cagara but still be so immature that he called in the morning to complain. It was Delilah. Delilah looked like a good girl.
"I'll say, heavy. I snorted, "happy? I've got a couple of lines of cocaine.
Lie. Delilah was not good. She was the opposite to that concept. Suddenly looked up and realized how much had changed. He seemed tired of being herself.
"I have disappointed.
And, contrary to what might be expected, she gave a scathing response. He said "Shut up, you're not Dad," but stood looking at him, stunned by the drug.
- What? He asked. What? What?
"I've heard, but his voice was too harsh to their ears, so that Assad made an effort, inspired and continued," What happened to you, Delilah? Why do you look tired in the world? Before smiling. Now you look just as false as the rest, wrapped in an aura of hypocrisy that makes you seem distant and mysterious in the eyes of others, but not mine. When you called me all those nights you thought you were just complaining, you had a tantrum of yours, a little girl. But that's not the problem. The problem is that you've become an adult in just four years. In a sad woman, who is ashamed of herself.
She began to mourn. He tried to hold her, but Delilah pulled away and left the taxi, who had just arrived at their destination. His apartment was on the third floor and as he did not think, started up the stairs. Along the way he fell heels, each a step, but did not stop to pick them up. Nobody had ever done so much damage.
Nobody ever had this much truth .
closed the front door, triumphantly, thinking that now prevent his brother from entering. But he also had a key, had given itself the first time I went to visit, so I took a few seconds later.
-Delilah, I'm sorry, I did not hurt, really. I just want you to see ... you see what happened to you, so that it can change. It is for your sake, Do not you understand?
- How long ago did you take drugs?
"You do not understand.
"No, I need you to tell me. Tell me. But not like when you call me to tell your hairdresser ignores you and that always makes an awful hairstyle. I want to talk about truth. I know you're not as shallow as you pretend.
She pulled away. And with her makeup smeared with tears, her black satin dress and bare feet in stockings, slipped into his room before he could alcalzarla and locked.
It was dark. He called many times. Then he got tired. He knew because he heard his footsteps as he left. Delilah's head was so dull thoughts he was shocked when one of them only came to light, and began to remember, half amused and half scared.
One does not give kisses on the mouth of his younger brother. A good girl, at least not . Delilah was agreed to be in a place with friends, recalled that it was very cold and she was very drunk. Asad had grown so much over the past summer, when Dora saw it, began to whistle. Delilah pretended to vomit. He approached, took her hand and took it. He seemed nervous in the midst of all those people who drank and was dedicated to urinate in public as if this was perfectly normal, and she thought it was because it was the first time I drank, I did those things for teenagers. But it was not. not know what to do, he confessed, without looking at me like a girl . She loves me, is called Felhina. But it happens to me as if I did not exist. A Delilah that he was funny. His brother perfect, diminished by a girl. Where? he asked. He said it with his hand. Does blonde girl face of bread? Is that? muttered to chop.
"Look, whatever. I should not have said anything. I'm an idiot.
She laughed a laugh as he picked clean of the sweatshirt. He looked at her, watching this girl eating it with your eyes. Delilah bit his lip.
"I've thought a lot, Asad. I know how to make the case. You see, "hesitated. Just a little. I was drunk, and was young but had no prejudices, yet hesitated. You have to make him jealous.
made to bend. Asad had black hair and brown eyes. Anglo did not seem, in fact, she sometimes joked and said that he belonged to his family, which was actually an Arab. She was high but, still, stood on tiptoe. It was very cold and was very drunk.
That was his excuse for having eaten his brother's mouth. Maybe a bit poor, but enough to put him kiss-free language, was not so blatant, as he pulled it forward. And Asad not moved, as if paralyzed. Until finally responded by giving a push. Delilah was laughing at that for days. Asad did not return to her eyes in a long time.
But the fact that the eyes of faith (that was how he called his brother) fell on him at that right moment and, however much he denied Asad, Delilah knew that he had noticed that. And he said, as he put his hand on his thigh and bit her tongue Asad, thinking I'm holding , but did not know exactly what-that she should be the godmother of her first child, since he had made perfect matchmaker.
Delilah stood. I was tired of wearing the dress, so full of negative energy (in the end, the influence of his mother had had an effect) because of the horrible dinner and fight with his brother, so I took it off. When you leave your room, ran on tiptoe to the bathroom and there he got rid of the paint run and began to clear water. Then, with stockings, panties and black lace bra, went into the guest room without flash. Asad slept with the black suit and crumpled up yet. Delilah was angry with him for so many reasons that could not list them all, for having believed the right to criticize, because he was jealous (of him, his perfect life), because blaming him for having sabotaged the party, he was a cocky, believed to be a good person when she knew it was not. She was convinced that Assad also played a role before the world.
I hated it. He hated his brother for a hypocrite, a liar, to try to fix it forever, as if she were wrong, like a doll with a perfect exterior, but its mechanism failed. She climbed into bed quietly, climbed on top of it with such care that no one dared to rely on not to wake her belly. She looked at him, her eyes closed, and realized he looked just as helpless when she cried. In the background appeared. It was cold and felt sad Delilah there, there and in that situation.
Then I understood. It was a flash of common sense that came at the same time that was the feeling that his body weighed because of cocaine. I had always wanted. He had loved in a way that was not good, nor healthy, nor balanced as Asad. But so uneasy and unbalanced, unhealthy.
then recalled how he bent over the toilet, on the table of his house, on the dressing room toilet, the way we hoped and got into the nose white powder, recalled how full felt, and that feeling of being mingled with guilt, the two feelings struggling in the interior, this is fine with the should leave.
do not hate you, he thought, not envy you, do not I have jealousy. The problem is that I always knew could never have you. She bent over him, resting her head between the hollow of his shoulder, and dropped her body because she was very tired, he closed his eyes. He moved, he lifted his arm and took her hair. Then his hands went down her back, which shook the contact.
- What are you doing here? -Heavy voice, hoarse.
was still half asleep, still not sure what he was doing. But I knew it was her, Delilah. He kept touching her, his hands running through the skin of the arms, neck, sides and back. She trembled, and he wanted to believe that it was cold, so he continued touching her.
got up. Could see in the dark. He closed his eyes and leaned her forehead against his. He did not need more, just needed Asad say I'll be here, I will not leave you alone , then your happiness would be complete. But then, he sought the mouth. He took the neck and pushed her down as she covered her lips. Was kissing her. Her heart pounded on his chest and was in turn beat Asad. Seemed safe and strong, determined, like he was not nervous. She had red cheeks and accepted the situation without saying a word, he accepted that he tuck the tongue in the mouth and did not intend to move to avoid it.
hands had gone some time, but Delilah and not even noticed. Did not notice the lack of contact until she felt his fingers on the lace trim of her bra. She, who had been so released, he felt so embarrassed when he got the rings and left him naked breasts under the bra fitted turned away wincing.
"So many years," he whispered, hoarsely. So many years since that kiss on the square. You have no idea what that meant for me. I masturbated thinking about my sister a year and seven months older than me. Imagine that came back, you came to my room at night without saying a word. Like now. It's a dream, right? You must be a dream. But would not be leaving me do this.
"You're a pervert" Her breathing ragged. You're a fucking pervert, Asad.
"Funny. Even I dream of insulting me.
He grabbed her waist and she had to close her eyes when she felt his tongue on her neck. He was fooling himself, because the feeling was too real to be dreamed, but the idea of being butted against the crotch of her sister was too, too much to not try to fight it by convincing themselves that it was not true.
Delilah knew she was guilty of what was happening, that she had sought, silly unaware of what could happen if the playing is going to blows. So he began to struggle with him, trying to to release her, but all I got was getting tired. I was fighting against itself, and basically knew that the battle had been lost forever. He sat up a bit and stroked his cheek. "Forgive me if I hurt you," whispered what more it made sense to her at that moment and then turned away to sit on the mattress beside him. He stroked her shoulder, staring at her face, eyes, lips, nose and cheekbones, not necessarily in that order. Delilah took off her panties and stockings then, she left her bra. Then he unbuckled his belt and pants, and pulled down until they both fell to the ground. I kissed her lips once, twice, many times, chaste kisses and simple. When he entered and sat down on his belly again, Asad's hand fell from her cheek to her lips, then followed the route of his neck and passed through his chest to the navel.
She did everything. She got up, she reached under his shorts and she guided with one hand on his chest.
"It's not a dream," he said, once everything was inside. It is a dream, "he repeated, as if he had not heard.
-Delilah. "I put a lock of hair behind her ear. One hand on the bottom of your back to force her to bend down. I already-closed her eyes when she started moving and her brown hair fell over the dark cloth of his jacket. I already knew. And I love you. "She gasped, her eyes closed, the fringe to the eyebrows, lips parted. I love you, even if you're a fucking pervert.
laughed. Or at least it seemed that laughing. It was not bad. Delilah has never been bad, or superficially. Delilah looked like a sweet girl because she was, was loving it caressed her cheek and kissed him when time, and was tender, and moved to decline.
Asad, he sighed, when he began to keep pace, Asad , turned to whisper, his voice breaking, after a few minutes. His heart and yours, and suddenly everything seemed much easier and warmer. He collapsed on his chest, fingers bent over the cloth of his white shirt, and he kept moving as she said I know why you called it that, I know you're going to protect me, that you're going to save ; and the last thing he said when he was leaving, because basically wanted then and did not remember.
Then he took off his jacket and shirt, and looked into the darkness before the quilt that had stopped at the foot of the bed. After a few minutes, she spoke again;
I can not sleep. Tell me a story.
He grunted.
"No way. Let me sleep.
his arm around her waist. She moved closer, stroking his cheek and jaw with the fingertips.
-Say my name.
She huddled in the gap between chin and chest, even though at that stage there was no pillow.
-Delilah. -A second, a pause. Delilah, Deli ...
... lah, Delilah, Delilah until he fell asleep.
The next morning, she wanted to become his bride. He wanted to play the role of the perfect girlfriend Asad, who served breakfast in bed naked. Unlike her, he felt the weight of guilt just open your eyes. A simple put something up, fuck , sparked the fight. She gave him glass of juice, which was plastic, not glass, not wanting to hurt, "then the pillow, and finally he left slamming the door and Delilah, who had hastily fastened the shirt he wore the night above, knelt beside the door and cried. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry . He also cried, just a few inches away from her, but so far, far from being tranquil and peaceful, just think about losing her sister. The blame, society, his father, his mother, had so many girls, so many thousands and millions worldwide, and he had just to look at her sister, finishing, hopelessly prominently above all.
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