I come from my examination of Psychobiology (incredibly, there is a little much for a chance to approval) and have seen the idea of
What do you think of what I write? Do you have rondándote idea head and do not dare tell anyone? Have you started writing a story and you have many questions? You want folks to read and be honest with you?
I can say in this post, all up and what comes to mind. Is the meme of sincerity but with fanfics and stories. The comments are filtered. "People respond to your input anonymous. Comment constructively destructive criticism is surely the worst and you do not want to receive any. If you want the person in question the answer you should comment, and ask Him, at least in my case, I will respond in the next post you make to the community. And nothing else. Be truthful and objective, the objective of this meme is to help authors improve =) "
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