Fandom: Original .
Characters: Kelly, Marly, Zack, George.
Topic: # 29 - Scream.
Words: 3. 622. Notes
author: There are several things I mean. First, I feel the wait, really, been a long time where I felt guilty and missed them. I've been through a long period insecurity, in fact right now I'm hysterical because I do not know the answer to be this cartoon, in every way, if you have forgotten or what, but I would ask that, if read , is, me ye should say something, it would be important to me. The second, that these are the characters I most want (or more) because that ... I reread the previous bullet and I was typing as before, when I thought I could not, if they are grateful the fucked. The third, which I think George is the most like me, who better understand, and I want that.
is "about" the outcome of the story, and I put it in quotes because I still have ideas and this is going to stretch a little (lot) more, as I almost finished the table (I have one bullet "Eternity", I'll leave for the final) I will take words from other boards, pages that give proper credit.
prevails in this vignette, for the part of Kelly and Zack, this song: Taylor Swift - Love Story . With
pepperbee by the images, and
lialy provided for correcting me encouragement.
just knew it, George, Marly, Kelly and Zack were immersed in the Christmas holidays. Zack continued to be the only group who spoke with the three, which was distributed among all, but George was clearly the least receptive.
George Kelly ignored, and he dared not to speak. Marly and George himself who communicated, but it was always he who sought it and never came out of the surface issues and simple, taking care to step over the other toes. Marly and Kelly barely looked at because Kelly was too afraid of her best childhood friend hated her, that her green eyes looked full of anger, pain or distress, and only managed to think escape such a situation.
the last day of class four out of Eagle without feeling really good (or as well as it should) to start the holidays.
* * *
Zack Kelly had invited home for Christmas treats. The boy had spent so much time there since they were friends who already knew the rooms and decor of memory, but still always surprised how big it was the home of Kelly and everything looked so luxurious. His father was a surgeon of considerable repute, and that Kelly was accustomed to living well. His mother was busy decorating the house so that it seemed a real home, warm and comfortable, a place where his family wanted to return at the end of the day.
Kelly had blond hair combed with a high ponytail and wore faded jeans, a simple shirt, black Converse sneakers. Was comfortable for what she used to be fixed, because it would be with Zack, who was his best friend, friend, and he did not feel the need to disguise their appearance. Put your music player seventies style red on top and put a country music album
of a singer who was called Taylor Swift.
began to make cookie dough, made by pouring the powder compound on a transparent bowl and then throwing eggs, flour, sugar, butter, a glass of milk and a teaspoon of vanilla.
"It's the recipe from my mother," said Kelly, while Zack was looking for the rolling pin on top of one of the shelves. Priceless.
"Sure they are great. The truth is that I've never tried a homemade biscuits ...
- Really? She asked, surprised. My mother always makes every year without fail. No cookies and milk are not officially start Christmas.
"My father is cooking at home almost always," Zack explained. but the task is not time to get to learn things home.
"Sure, it's normal ..." Kelly threw a couple of tablespoons more sugar (because she loved the sweet) and then proceeded to knead with your bare hands, so that it became a homogeneous mass. Anyway, now you can explain how made.
When he finished, put the dough on a wooden table and told Zack that flatten with a rolling pin. His mother kept the cookie cutters, of different patterns and sizes in the second drawer under the counter. Kelly chose a tree, a snowman and a star among which were shaped like Christmas songs.
"Now you must be careful not to break," he explained, while he was placing and cutting the dough to get that would be cookies. Go burn to the oven. Zack
did, then I opened it and took the tray, which leaned on the kitchen table, next to Kelly. He watched as she was carefully placing unbaked cookies. It had become the queue at the top of the crown and nape is glimpsed. By a strange impulse, she wanted to rozársela with your fingers.
Kelly took the tray and put it in the oven, scheduled for twenty minutes. Then she put her hands on her waist.
"Well, what should we do next?
Music had remained as background noise all the time. At that time, while Zack molds cleaned under running tap, started a new song, Love Story
Kelly screamed.
- I love this song! "Was his favorite, which he spoke about princes and princesses.
We Were Both young When I first saw you , was the first phrase of the melody. Kelly put her hand on his chest and began to emulate singing, but his lips make a sound. Zack stared at her with one eyebrow raised, drying wet hands with a kitchen towel. She was smiling and her eyes sparkled, and he liked that. Kelly was encouraging and a few seconds then proceeded to sing it for real, with the voice of the singer and her contraposition together. The funniest part was that I looked at him.
- That You Were Romeo
-smiling. It was a joke, as always.
And my daddy say stay away from Juliette almost shouted the last word, Juliet.
As Kelly approached the chorus went Zack and climbed onto the kitchen table with her legs spread and Ela few inches. Atrásy moved his shoulders neck back and forth.
Romeo take me somewhere We Can Be Alone "Zack was pretty cut and was still more when she took him by the collar to bring it, running between his legs.
'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It'sa love story, baby just say yes -Kelly sang an inch from his face. Smile not be erased at any time in its expression. Zack
dared to lay hands on his thighs, and then she got off the table and began to spin on itself. He took the roll down the road and used it as a microphone. Zack laughed and noted that it began to drop, because Kelly was silly to the more natural. Kelly raised his arm pointing toward him while dancing, talking (singing) as two lovers away from the adversities of fate. In the times when they did not sing was devoted to dance around the kitchen, leaving out all of its spontaneity.
- Dance with me, Zack! Come, dance!
Zack made the attempt, but felt extremely stupid. Kelly laughed with her bubbly, infectious laughter and he followed. Extrañae situation was unexpected, especially for someone like him, who liked to have everything under control.
Romeo save me I've felt so alone! I'll keep waiting for you, But you never eat . He put his fist on the corazóny closed his eyes dramatically, feeling the song from within, and was so beautiful and yet so funny.
In the end, when it came to talk to Romeo, Kelly ran to Ely jumped on him, because she was well. Zack had heard that song before, after all it was fashionable, so while he caught in his arms said the sentences they played.
Marry me, Juliette -linked Kelly's legs around his waist, his face for the first above his time.
'll Never Have To Be Alone -. Zack fingers laced with strands of her blond ponytail, because I needed to pick it up from somewhere, and in fact there had been a time when both had wanted to stamp their lips against his
I like that .- love you "I love you.
and that's all I really know .
Kelly did not know why, but the phrase
never have to be alone came to the soul, to the depths of the heart; was like a blow that struck the absolute reality, the harshest and also the sweetest.
Zack, who pretended to sing, had caught her hair and encouraged him in the nose and lips. Zack smelled cookie dough, sugar and sour taste of lemon and Kelly thought his hands were comprised entirely. Holding it as if it weighed nothing and in the end, after the last "I'sa love story, baby just say yes", began to spin with it. Kelly laughed and mass he embraced.
- I get dizzy! I'm dizzy!
Zack laughed with her, with that laughter which characterized older child, while Kelly clutched it in his arms and hid her face in the crook of his shoulder. The player changed his song while in the oven cookies stuck to the tray, because Kelly had forgotten to put insulation between them and the hot black aluminum.
That was Kelly, clueless as her own.
* * *
George had a black hole in the chest near the heart, which were all the bad things that had been occurring in the past. Swallow it all and had nothing, everything was within him and was eating away inside.
was therefore not surprising that explode at any given moment, a night of many, without anything concrete to happen, as had accumulated anger, fear and pain too long. He was one who cried on the inside.
Or so they said. Or so I wanted to think. Because his father, but now I hate, down a man I admired and who had instilled the idea that the tears were weak. He had seen his mother swallowed his in his presence. He had seen many things that had remained as cysts in the heart, close to its particular black hole.
The reason I said I needed to vent, get it all to clean the wound, because it never llegaríaa forming the scar, but it was very, very difficult to come clean, open and see the vulnerability reflected in the another's eyes. Even if that person were Marly.
there was the added issue that the problem was not solved, much less. They believed it, his mother and him (mostly him). When his father left two years ago, George thought the nightmare was over and, although her mother had taken the lives over it, had done.
But then he was back, just a couple of weeks before the party that had disrupted their relationship with Marly and Kelly, putting their lives upside down two. He had knelt in front of which was still his wife and had apologized, promised him that he had changed, he was back for her.
And his mother had forgiven.
So they started a new life together, but nothing was the same George. Had finally detached from his father after he left, to survive its abandonment. That which is so admired when I was queríay small, which had disappointed him and sunk in misery to know the reality of his person, was not in any way it was for him. We had a lot of anger and frighten him to repeat the same story.
why things were the control that afternoon, the evening of the party, because George loved his mother, little of his father, and was very afraid.
* *
What happened that night in late November at the home of George was the straw that broke the camel. His father, who had returned, he was there with both of them again as if nothing had happened, he approached his wife while she cooked and put a lock of hair behind her ear. George's mother was a brunette, as Marly, with short, wavy hair and brown eyes and tired. George was upstairs in his room, dressed for the party.
- How's dinner? Sherry
shuddered at the loving touch, because I was not at all used to, but continued to move the fuck wooden circles into the pot, as usual.
"Well. I'll make a soup. Walter
frowned as his touch was the route of the nape of her who had gone from dithering to tremble with fear, but deep down I knew he had no objective reasons for do so. It was a kind of psychological fear, because I knew (thought I knew) that Walter does not stick. I was more afraid of what they think and say what could make. Tried to control the pulse of your hand, otherwise he would notice.
"Well go fuck dinner, right? He snorted with a tone that left no room for nothing but the contempt. Do we want to starve? No wonder George is in the bones ... "he complained, deliberately exaggerating, as if deep criticized the way they have educated.
She kept moving the spoon.
-George is right, "replied, with a quiet voice and slow, as if accustomed to tame wild beasts.
Her husband passed hand in the back, above the line verterbral column.
"I ... well. "His touch is stopped at the rear of it, at the same time inclined to be at its height and gently kissed her neck. You little loving me lately. Since I came back that we do not just ...
"You must understand that it costs me ... back to normal ... after so long.
- "You're throwing in something expensive, Cherry
? "He always called her that, with that affectionate nickname, since they were dating. Cherry. Little, red and juicy, always ready to enter her mouth. Or do not I understand?
"No, I .... no. You know ... I've forgiven. But Walter, we decided that this time we would do better. Now treat me better.
He turned away from her as if she blows, raising his arms and showing him the palms. His face was surprise, irritability and irony.
"But if I have not done anything, honey. I trying to do my best.
"I know that ... uh ... you're striving. -Sherry swallowed. Never in his life had dealt him, ever, because her husband was totally bowed to his will, and now it was assumed that the relationship had "changed" still had difficulty talking and feel like him. But I do not know, for example, now, what you said about the dinner ... I do not like what I do so despise. Walter
"Well go, yes we're whiners lately ... Okay, okay I'll shut up. But really, Cherry, sometimes you act like an idiot.
- Who are you calling an idiot? "Asked a male voice, full of anguish and hatred accumulated. Walter
turned and there he was, George, her only child, standing in the doorway. He had just arrived and had heard the last words of his father.
"This is a matter of your mother and mine boy. Besides, I when I talk with more respect you treat me, do you hear?
I do not understand why I should have you respect if you do not respect my mother. To give lessons in morality first apply the story.
Before that George had not defended his mother, or if he had had defended his voice low and questionable attitude, not knowing if what he was doing was right or whether to let parents solved their problems alone. He was a boy of fourteen, nearly fifteen years, and was among the sword and the wall, not knowing whether the relationship than their parents was normal, if the parents of other kids also underestimated and despised their mothers, because maybe that was what made the men at a certain age, pay penalties and pains with the person who had endured the queríay with them the burden of life for many years.
Now, however, knew that this was not normal, and that his father had psychologically abused his mother for a long time.
Walter turned to his wife.
- What have you done?! He shouted, replete in his fury, and she jumped at the scream. What the hell have you done to my child?! Sherry
turned toward him with arms close to the ribs and brown eyes, tired, full of a strange mist.
"Before I did not. George I admired and loved me as her father I am. But now ... it's like I hated, "said his father, looking at her. What did you say, eh? I've eaten the jar to hate me, right? I've spent telling lies about me and put it in your hand, RIGHT?
He took her wrist and Sherry screamed. It was an instinctive reaction to a situation in which he saw threatening their integrity as a person, with the goal of survival, the body becomes tense, ready to defend themselves or flee.
- Do not even hit! George shouted, clenching his fists so hard that he hurt.
Walter, realizing how hard he was pressing his wrist, he let go and turned his body toward George.
- I've never put a hand on your mother! "Vehemently defended.
George looked at him with black eyes, unfathomable.
"Never has been required.
And his phrase silence followed.
His mother sniffed, looked at his son for a moment, as an apology, and then took the spoon and returned to his task of mulling over noodles soup to avoid sticking. Walter was suddenly embarrassed by the situation that had arrived and was surprised at his own feelings. At last, after all, was human.
"What I feel towards you has absolutely nothing to do with my mother. You left me. Do you think that enough reason to harbor feelings of anger and hatred towards you? Or does it also would require that I'd stuck or that you had gotten into my bed as a child?
-Nonsense, George.
"Me I have not yet apologized. I do not have said 'sorry', you know?
"Well ..." His father hesitated, blinking several times and feeling terribly uncomfortable. Well sorry, George, son.
George noted that clouded his sight, they would swallowing tears.
"I do not forgive you, daddy. Never forgive.
He turned and started walking down the aisle. He was already dressed in shirt, suit jacket and jeans. His father left behind Ely began shouting things at other times, more calm, there would not have the heart to tell him. George only thought of escaping from that situation that was killing him inside. When you walked outside and slammed the door, trying to extinguish the cries wounding of his father, still had the voice of his father stuck deep into his head.
thought I needed to forget more than anything in the world. He thought of the simple things easy and not hurt. He thought of a blond hair and Kelly.
thought but not for long, because George was acting rather than thinking.
* *
had passed more than a month after that, a month of silence from his father to him, a month in which his father had returned to its usual behavior, mistreating his mother.
dwarf even make it tiny, once you get there, step on it.
George had fallen all over that night, without that nothing special had happened, timely or concrete. Holding that had so long had finally burst. He was in his room, sitting on the edge, when he realized he would not be able to sleep because a sense of sadness frustracióny squeezed his chest as he was stopping breathing.
And so, amid a near anxiety attack, had opened the front door and out into the street, a cold Christmas night. He had run up to the road was in front of the house of Marly.
And there was ten, fifteen to thirty minutes. Not at the bottom sabíay not interested. Peering the front of the house which had been his best friend, but he dared not even on the path to the door. Being close had eased a little, and he could breathe out of the suffocating walls of your house, yet their problems did not stop Tortula.
lowered his head and felt the hot tears ran down his cheeks. He covered his eyes with one hand and, immersed in its own unique pain, He realized he needed to say many things, but only managed to say one.
-Marly ...
Help me. Save me. Do not let this black hole swallows me .
And the word was swallowed by the cold air, in that dark night in December.