LETTER CIV: The Marquise de Merteuil LA LA LADY OF Volanges
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Super Soaker Backpack For Sale
My face and good friend, much work I had to truth, not conceited reading your letter. What! You honor me with your full confidence! You are going to ask me for advice! Ah! I am very happy if I deserve this favorable opinion of you, and not I only to the prevention of friendship.
the rest, whatever the reason, is no less precious to my heart, and have gotten them in my eyes is a compelling reason to treat more and more to deserve it. I then (but without claiming to give you some advice) to tell you frankly my thinking. I distrust him, because it differs from yours, but you will judge when he has stated my reasons, and if convicted, subscribe now his trial. I will have at least the wisdom of not believing me wiser than you.
However, if this once to find my better advice, it will be necessary to attribute to the illusions of maternal love, and since this is a laudable view, must be on you. Indeed, how well warned by the party that has thought to take! For this reason, if you happen Erras ever, would never be the choice of virtue.
I think that prudence is preferable when you have the good fortune of others, and especially when it comes to fixing it as a sacred and indissoluble bond, such as marriage. Then when a mother is equally wise and tender, because, as you say very well, help your child glue the experience. Now, I ask: what should I do to get it but to distinguish between what is acceptable and what is appropriate?
Would not it stain the maternal authority, it would destroy it, taste it subject to the frivolous, whose illusory power only makes an impression on those who fear him, and disappears after you despise? As for myself, I confess, I have never given credence to these seductive, irresistible passions, according to the feelings of all, it seems that generally excuse our disorders. I can not conceive how an inclination, at a time is born and dies in another, may be stronger than the fixed principles of decency, honesty and modesty, and do not understand either, how a woman who has outraged might be more excusable, a thief who stole by the passion of money or a murderer for revenge.
Ay! Who can say that has not had passions that fight? But I've always been in the persuasion that, to resist, just love, and I confirmed this opinion with my experience. What would virtue without the obligations prescribed? His worship is in our sacrifices, and rewarded in our hearts. These truths can not refuse, but by those who have an interest in unknown, those depraved thrill waiting for a moment, trying to justify his conduct relaxed wrong reasons. But can be feared that a simple and shy girl, a daughter of you, and modest and pure, whose education has not been less than fortify his good character? Yet you want to sacrifice the advantageous marriage, whose wisdom had given him, this fear that I dare to call humiliating for her daughter. Danceny I love so much, and long ago, as you know, I see little Mr. Gercourt, but my friendship for one and my indifference to the other, not knowing me from the huge difference between these two parties.
agree that they are equal in birth, but one is poor, and the fortunes of another, even apart from his birth, could be enough to smooth everything. I confess that money can not buy happiness, but it must be acknowledged that much easier. Mademoiselle de Volanges is, as you say, very rich for both: however, sixty thousand a year that will enjoy it, are no longer so when it is named Danceny, when it is necessary to sustain a home and corresponding to his rank. We are no longer in the days of Madame de Sevigne. The luxury all-absorbing, taunts him, but you must imitate, and eventually deprive superfluous than necessary.
As you look at the clothes moral, that you do a lot of appreciation, and rightly so, nothing can take in the face of Gercourt, it has given proof of this, I think, in fact, that Danceny not far behind, are we so sure? It is true that until now has been free of the vices of his age and that, despite the tone of the day, showing a taste for good company, which augur favorably of him, but who knows whether this apparent behavior is the effect of medium fortune? There is always some fear of rogue or drunk, and you can either love the vices and excesses fear: but to be profligate player and it takes money. Finally, it would be the first one went with a good company because no one gave him.
I'm not saying this (or God forbid!) Because he creates it, but always be risk, and what would you not counterclaims itself if success was not happy! How would you respond then to his daughter when he said: "Mother, I was young and inexperienced, I was seduced by a pardonable error in my age, but the sky, which had anticipated my weakness, I had offered a wise mother to occur and defend it. Why, then, forgetting his sanity, you have consented to my misfortune? was perhaps that which I had to choose a husband, when I had no knowledge of the state of marriage? And though I wanted to do, not touch you to oppose it? But I have not ever had this crazy desire. Dedicated to obey, I waited a respectful choice with resignation, I have never deviated from the submission that he should be, and yet suffer the punishment they deserve only the rebels. Ay! their weakness, I lost ... "Perhaps the respect you would have to drown these complaints, but the guess maternal love, and tears of his daughter, but tries to hide, why would not fail to penetrate his heart . Where do you find so comforting? Is it, perhaps, in this crazy love against which ought to alarm, and that, by contrast, had you been seduced?
I do not know, my friendly face, if I have this passion prevention against very strong, but I think to be feared even in marriage. This is not to say that I disapprove an honest and sweet feeling that makes the charm of the marriage bond, and softened in any way the obligations, but this state does not correspond to the forms, the choice of our life should not be rules for the illusion of time. Indeed, choosing to be compared. And how can we do when a single object in question, and when neither can he know, being deluded and stubborn?
I have found, as you can imagine, many Women infected by this dangerous disease, I received the confidences of some, and to hear, it seems that there was a lover who was not perfect, but these chimerical perfections exist only in your imagination. The head exalted but by no dreams and virtues to them adorn your favorites and bookmarks, and these ornaments are like the dress of a god set upon a model despicable, to which, whoever, just have dressed, when made toys of his own work, prostrate to worship.
Or your daughter does not love Danceny, or experience the same illusion: it is common to both if your love is reciprocated. Thus, the reason you have for blackbirds ever, comes down to who do not know, or can be known. But I tell you, do you know more Mr. Gercourt and my daughter? No, no doubt, but at least do not be fooled, they live only ignorance of this. What happens, then, in this case between two husbands I guess wise? that each study to another, observes his character, looks and knows immediately what it is to yield to their tastes and wishes, for peace of both. These small sacrifices are made without disgust, because they are reciprocal and are planned, soon born to them a common good will, and habit, which strengthens all inclinations that does not destroy, produces little this sweet little friend, the tender confidence, which, together with the estimate, are, in my opinion, the true and solid happiness of marriages.
illusions of love can be sweeter, but who do not know they are less durable? And what dangers does not entail that destroys the time! That's when the effects seem less shocking and unbearable, by contrast they form with the idea of perfection that we had been seduced. Each of the couple believes, however, that the other is the one that has moved, and he always worth a moment of error that had made him appreciate. It admires that can not be born and not experience the charm, is humiliated, and this hurts their vanity. Then sour spirits, the evil increases, it's bad mood, and it comes the hate, and frivolous pleasures are to be paid to last through long misfortunes.
Behold, my friendly face, my thinking on the matter at hand: I do not defend, but I expose, to you to decide, but if you insist on your opinion, I beg you tell me the reasons he had to fight mine.
I rejoice that I distinguished, and, above all, that assures me about the fate of your kind daughter, whose happiness I long for, and for the friendship that I profess, for which I am bound to you forever.
Paris, October 4 of 17 ...
the rest, whatever the reason, is no less precious to my heart, and have gotten them in my eyes is a compelling reason to treat more and more to deserve it. I then (but without claiming to give you some advice) to tell you frankly my thinking. I distrust him, because it differs from yours, but you will judge when he has stated my reasons, and if convicted, subscribe now his trial. I will have at least the wisdom of not believing me wiser than you.
However, if this once to find my better advice, it will be necessary to attribute to the illusions of maternal love, and since this is a laudable view, must be on you. Indeed, how well warned by the party that has thought to take! For this reason, if you happen Erras ever, would never be the choice of virtue.
I think that prudence is preferable when you have the good fortune of others, and especially when it comes to fixing it as a sacred and indissoluble bond, such as marriage. Then when a mother is equally wise and tender, because, as you say very well, help your child glue the experience. Now, I ask: what should I do to get it but to distinguish between what is acceptable and what is appropriate?
Would not it stain the maternal authority, it would destroy it, taste it subject to the frivolous, whose illusory power only makes an impression on those who fear him, and disappears after you despise? As for myself, I confess, I have never given credence to these seductive, irresistible passions, according to the feelings of all, it seems that generally excuse our disorders. I can not conceive how an inclination, at a time is born and dies in another, may be stronger than the fixed principles of decency, honesty and modesty, and do not understand either, how a woman who has outraged might be more excusable, a thief who stole by the passion of money or a murderer for revenge.
Ay! Who can say that has not had passions that fight? But I've always been in the persuasion that, to resist, just love, and I confirmed this opinion with my experience. What would virtue without the obligations prescribed? His worship is in our sacrifices, and rewarded in our hearts. These truths can not refuse, but by those who have an interest in unknown, those depraved thrill waiting for a moment, trying to justify his conduct relaxed wrong reasons. But can be feared that a simple and shy girl, a daughter of you, and modest and pure, whose education has not been less than fortify his good character? Yet you want to sacrifice the advantageous marriage, whose wisdom had given him, this fear that I dare to call humiliating for her daughter. Danceny I love so much, and long ago, as you know, I see little Mr. Gercourt, but my friendship for one and my indifference to the other, not knowing me from the huge difference between these two parties.
agree that they are equal in birth, but one is poor, and the fortunes of another, even apart from his birth, could be enough to smooth everything. I confess that money can not buy happiness, but it must be acknowledged that much easier. Mademoiselle de Volanges is, as you say, very rich for both: however, sixty thousand a year that will enjoy it, are no longer so when it is named Danceny, when it is necessary to sustain a home and corresponding to his rank. We are no longer in the days of Madame de Sevigne. The luxury all-absorbing, taunts him, but you must imitate, and eventually deprive superfluous than necessary.
As you look at the clothes moral, that you do a lot of appreciation, and rightly so, nothing can take in the face of Gercourt, it has given proof of this, I think, in fact, that Danceny not far behind, are we so sure? It is true that until now has been free of the vices of his age and that, despite the tone of the day, showing a taste for good company, which augur favorably of him, but who knows whether this apparent behavior is the effect of medium fortune? There is always some fear of rogue or drunk, and you can either love the vices and excesses fear: but to be profligate player and it takes money. Finally, it would be the first one went with a good company because no one gave him.
I'm not saying this (or God forbid!) Because he creates it, but always be risk, and what would you not counterclaims itself if success was not happy! How would you respond then to his daughter when he said: "Mother, I was young and inexperienced, I was seduced by a pardonable error in my age, but the sky, which had anticipated my weakness, I had offered a wise mother to occur and defend it. Why, then, forgetting his sanity, you have consented to my misfortune? was perhaps that which I had to choose a husband, when I had no knowledge of the state of marriage? And though I wanted to do, not touch you to oppose it? But I have not ever had this crazy desire. Dedicated to obey, I waited a respectful choice with resignation, I have never deviated from the submission that he should be, and yet suffer the punishment they deserve only the rebels. Ay! their weakness, I lost ... "Perhaps the respect you would have to drown these complaints, but the guess maternal love, and tears of his daughter, but tries to hide, why would not fail to penetrate his heart . Where do you find so comforting? Is it, perhaps, in this crazy love against which ought to alarm, and that, by contrast, had you been seduced?
I do not know, my friendly face, if I have this passion prevention against very strong, but I think to be feared even in marriage. This is not to say that I disapprove an honest and sweet feeling that makes the charm of the marriage bond, and softened in any way the obligations, but this state does not correspond to the forms, the choice of our life should not be rules for the illusion of time. Indeed, choosing to be compared. And how can we do when a single object in question, and when neither can he know, being deluded and stubborn?
I have found, as you can imagine, many Women infected by this dangerous disease, I received the confidences of some, and to hear, it seems that there was a lover who was not perfect, but these chimerical perfections exist only in your imagination. The head exalted but by no dreams and virtues to them adorn your favorites and bookmarks, and these ornaments are like the dress of a god set upon a model despicable, to which, whoever, just have dressed, when made toys of his own work, prostrate to worship.
Or your daughter does not love Danceny, or experience the same illusion: it is common to both if your love is reciprocated. Thus, the reason you have for blackbirds ever, comes down to who do not know, or can be known. But I tell you, do you know more Mr. Gercourt and my daughter? No, no doubt, but at least do not be fooled, they live only ignorance of this. What happens, then, in this case between two husbands I guess wise? that each study to another, observes his character, looks and knows immediately what it is to yield to their tastes and wishes, for peace of both. These small sacrifices are made without disgust, because they are reciprocal and are planned, soon born to them a common good will, and habit, which strengthens all inclinations that does not destroy, produces little this sweet little friend, the tender confidence, which, together with the estimate, are, in my opinion, the true and solid happiness of marriages.
illusions of love can be sweeter, but who do not know they are less durable? And what dangers does not entail that destroys the time! That's when the effects seem less shocking and unbearable, by contrast they form with the idea of perfection that we had been seduced. Each of the couple believes, however, that the other is the one that has moved, and he always worth a moment of error that had made him appreciate. It admires that can not be born and not experience the charm, is humiliated, and this hurts their vanity. Then sour spirits, the evil increases, it's bad mood, and it comes the hate, and frivolous pleasures are to be paid to last through long misfortunes.
Behold, my friendly face, my thinking on the matter at hand: I do not defend, but I expose, to you to decide, but if you insist on your opinion, I beg you tell me the reasons he had to fight mine.
I rejoice that I distinguished, and, above all, that assures me about the fate of your kind daughter, whose happiness I long for, and for the friendship that I profess, for which I am bound to you forever.
Paris, October 4 of 17 ...
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