LETTER LXIII: LA Marquise de Merteuil AL Vicomte de Valmont
Saturday, September 9, 2006
I Have A Slight Rash On My Forehead
course I can explain Danceny ticket. The event that made him write is my doing, and in my opinion masterpiece. I have not wasted time since receiving the last letter to you, and I said as the architect of Athens: "What he says I will." With obstacles that are necessary to that beautiful hero novel and sleeps in the bosom of his happiness! Not worry about me! I'll keep him occupied, and I bet that your sleep will not be so quiet onwards. Was necessary to show what it's worth the time, and I flatter myself that now feels he has lost. It was necessary, you say well, he needed more mystery: Well, this need not miss him and I have that good, that hardly makes me know my faults, I do not rest until the whole repair. And see, then, I've done.
Entering my house before yesterday morning, I read your letter and found it light. Convinced that perfectly indicated the cause of evil, I focused only on finding how to heal. However, I started to sleep, because my indefatigable gentleman had not let me sleep a moment and felt sleepy, but it was not entirely occupied Danceny, the desire to do their indolence or punish him for it would not let me paste eyes, and only when I had concluded my plan, I could stand for two hours.
night I went to Madame de Volanges, and according to my plan I confided that he believed to be certain that existed between his daughter and a friend Danceny dangerous. This woman, so insightful about you, I was so blind that I instantly replied that surely I was mistaken, that his daughter was a child, etc., Etc. I could not tell all he knew, but he cited certain expressions, certain looks that alarmed my virtue, my friend. Finally talked about as well as you would a devout, and to give the decisive blow stretched me to say he thought he saw a letter giving and receiving. "This reminds me that one day she opened a drawer in front of me his paper in which I saw many papers that no doubt saved. Do you know if you have frequent correspondence?" Then the face of Mrs. Volanges moved and saw that he burst into tears. "I give you a thousand thanks, my good friend, I said squeezing my hand. I'll find out"
After this conversation, too short for the unsuspecting girl, I approached her, and I left her soon, to tell the mother that I did not commit to her daughter. He promised me the more willingly, as I did note that it is fortunate that the girl take me enough confidence to open up your heart and put myself in my ability to give wise advice. What makes me expect me to keep the promise, is no doubt that your daughter wants to boast of his own penetration. Thus I was allowed to continue in my tone of friendship with the girl without seeming false to his mother's eyes, what I wanted to avoid. Also won the hereafter stay with her how long and how closely he wanted.
took advantage of it the night itself, and when I finished my departure, I took a corner to my girl and struck up a conversation about Danceny, on which he never needed to say. I had fun in hull lift taste speaking it would have to see him the next day, and there was kind of crazy to do him no say. It was necessary to give in hopes soon as he took off in reality, and this should make the blow more sensitive, because it is convinced that the more you have suffered much more quickly will be in revenge for the first time. Lately, it is good to get used to the big hauls him who goes to great adventures.
In short, should not pay with a few tears the pleasure to enjoy him that Danceny? She's crazy about him, well, I assure you that we accomplished, and I would not have had without this storm. It is an unpleasant dream whose awakening will be delicious, and all well calculated, I think you should be grateful to me, in effect, although there was some malice on my part, it should have a little fun: To our delight there are fools in the world.
Anyway, I left very happy with myself.
O Danceny, I told myself, excited with the obstacles will be doubly in love, and then serve him with all my effectiveness, or if there is more than a silly, like sometimes I think, will become desperate and will to beat: in this case at least I'll be revenged on him as will have been in my hand and I will have earned more step estimation of the mother, the friendship of the daughter and the confidence of both. As Gercourt, I must be very unhappy or very awkward, if the owner and his wife's heart, I find a thousand ways to make it what I want. With this nice plan in mind I went to bed and slept very well, and woke up too late
Opening my eyes I found two notes: one from the mother and a daughter, and I could not help laughing reading in both the same phrase: "From you just hope some comfort." Is not it something to comfort both for and against, and be sole agent of two directly conflicting interests? See me as you and as the Divinity, receiving the wishes of the blind found dead and do not change my immutable decrees. He left, however, this use by the consoling angel, and, according to the precept, I went to visit my friends in distress.
I started with the mother. I've found so sad that this only comes to you, in part, of the obstacles that she suffers because of its beautiful devotee. Everything went perfectly. My only care was that the mother had not taken the time to gain the trust of his daughter, which would have been very easy, her using the language of tenderness and friendship, and giving advice on the reason the air and tone of indulgent tenderness. Fortunately, the severity has been used and, finally, has driven all the bad that I could want. Certainly it has been for all of our plan to bring down the resolution he had taken his daughter back to the convent, but I have stopped the coup, persuading her to make only a threat to the case where Danceny follow the same procedure, and I carried it looks to force the two to some restraint now seems necessary for achievement.
then I see the daughter. Beautifies much the pain! With little flirt you do, cry often, but this After crying without malice. I surprised this new charm did not know and had infinite pleasure in preserving, so I gave him no sooner than those tasteless tips that increase the penalties more than mitigate, and thus put it in terms that would fall convulsions. I advised her to lie down, and agreed, pouring me a maid. Had not arranged her hair, and soon her hair fell loose on her shoulders, and her throat bare, I kissed her, she fell into my arms, and their tears turned to run. Oh God, how beautiful it was! Magdalena If so, should be much more dangerous as penitent as sinful!
So the desolate beauty was in her bed, then I started to comfort her in good faith. Reassured her spot by the fear of returning to the convent. I did hopes of seeing Danceny in secret and, sitting on his bed: "If you were here!" I said, and then on this topic, distraction from distraction led her not to remember more than I was afflicted. We would have entirely separate friends if I had not wanted to entrust a letter to Danceny, which I refused, and see you my reasons, acting in fixed.
course was Danceny commit to, and if this was the only excuse I could give Cecile, you to me There are many others. Would not risk the fruits of my work as soon providing these lovers the easy way to soothe their sorrows? Also, do not force them to weigh me some servants involved in this venture, because, after all, if we do, I hope, will need to be reported immediately to the wedding, and there are few safer means, or if miracle servants not speak, so will we, and be more convenient to attribute to them the folly.
Force, therefore giving you today Danceny this idea, and as I'm not sure the maid of Cecil, which she doubts, tell my faithful Victorine. I will look to step out well. This idea pleases me more as that trust will only be useful for us and not them, because I'm not after my story.
As I refused me to take care of the girl's letter, he feared every moment that I decided to send it off to what could not refuse. Fortunately, it was so distraught he was, through ignorance or because he cared more than the response letter, which
not have been obtained in this way, I talked about this thing, but to prevent him came the idea, or unless you take advantage, took the time my party, and returning to the room mother, I decided to move away for some time from Paris to his daughter, to take her the field. And where? What! Your heart beats with joy not? ... A house of her aunt you, Madame de Rosemonde. Today it should tell you. That already authorized to go see his devoted, would not reproach him since the scandal to be alone with you, and thanks to my care, the same lady Volanges repair the wrong he has done.
But hear me well and not so exclusively occupying their own issues, losing sight of it, think how much I care. I want you to be a correspondent and youth counselor. Report, therefore, this trip to Danceny, and offer their services. But find no difficulty to reach the hands of the beautiful letter card, and overcome the obstacle immediately, indicating the middle of my maid. There is no doubt that he will accept, and you, as a reward for their work, gain the trust of a new heart in love, so it is always interesting. Poor thing! How to blush to give you your first card! In fact, this role of confidant, against which there are so many concerns, it seems a very pleasant entertainment when you have occupation on the other hand, and in this case you will be.
the care is the outcome of this intrigue. Judge what is the right time to meet the actors. The course offers a thousand ways, and Danceny no doubt, will soon go to the first signal that you provide. One night, a disguise, a window ... What do I know? But anyway, if the girl is back in the same state that has gone, I'll blame you. If you think you need some new stimulus for me, say so. I think having given a good lesson about the danger there is in store cards, to dare to write, always follow the idea of making it a disciple of mine.
I think I forgot to tell you that your suspicions point to the discovery of his correspondence, had fallen on her maid, but I made them fall on your confessor. This is killing two birds with one stone.
Goodbye Viscount mine, a long time I'm writing, and my food has slowed, but the esteem and friendship have given my letter, and both are talkative, but otherwise, you will receive it at three, and which is sufficient . Complain
me now, if you dare, and go to see if you're tempted to mount the Count B ***. You say that it retains for the pleasure of his friends. How this man is friends with everyone? Goodbye, I have hunger.
at ..., September 9, 1917 ...
Entering my house before yesterday morning, I read your letter and found it light. Convinced that perfectly indicated the cause of evil, I focused only on finding how to heal. However, I started to sleep, because my indefatigable gentleman had not let me sleep a moment and felt sleepy, but it was not entirely occupied Danceny, the desire to do their indolence or punish him for it would not let me paste eyes, and only when I had concluded my plan, I could stand for two hours.
night I went to Madame de Volanges, and according to my plan I confided that he believed to be certain that existed between his daughter and a friend Danceny dangerous. This woman, so insightful about you, I was so blind that I instantly replied that surely I was mistaken, that his daughter was a child, etc., Etc. I could not tell all he knew, but he cited certain expressions, certain looks that alarmed my virtue, my friend. Finally talked about as well as you would a devout, and to give the decisive blow stretched me to say he thought he saw a letter giving and receiving. "This reminds me that one day she opened a drawer in front of me his paper in which I saw many papers that no doubt saved. Do you know if you have frequent correspondence?" Then the face of Mrs. Volanges moved and saw that he burst into tears. "I give you a thousand thanks, my good friend, I said squeezing my hand. I'll find out"
After this conversation, too short for the unsuspecting girl, I approached her, and I left her soon, to tell the mother that I did not commit to her daughter. He promised me the more willingly, as I did note that it is fortunate that the girl take me enough confidence to open up your heart and put myself in my ability to give wise advice. What makes me expect me to keep the promise, is no doubt that your daughter wants to boast of his own penetration. Thus I was allowed to continue in my tone of friendship with the girl without seeming false to his mother's eyes, what I wanted to avoid. Also won the hereafter stay with her how long and how closely he wanted.
took advantage of it the night itself, and when I finished my departure, I took a corner to my girl and struck up a conversation about Danceny, on which he never needed to say. I had fun in hull lift taste speaking it would have to see him the next day, and there was kind of crazy to do him no say. It was necessary to give in hopes soon as he took off in reality, and this should make the blow more sensitive, because it is convinced that the more you have suffered much more quickly will be in revenge for the first time. Lately, it is good to get used to the big hauls him who goes to great adventures.
In short, should not pay with a few tears the pleasure to enjoy him that Danceny? She's crazy about him, well, I assure you that we accomplished, and I would not have had without this storm. It is an unpleasant dream whose awakening will be delicious, and all well calculated, I think you should be grateful to me, in effect, although there was some malice on my part, it should have a little fun: To our delight there are fools in the world.
Anyway, I left very happy with myself.
O Danceny, I told myself, excited with the obstacles will be doubly in love, and then serve him with all my effectiveness, or if there is more than a silly, like sometimes I think, will become desperate and will to beat: in this case at least I'll be revenged on him as will have been in my hand and I will have earned more step estimation of the mother, the friendship of the daughter and the confidence of both. As Gercourt, I must be very unhappy or very awkward, if the owner and his wife's heart, I find a thousand ways to make it what I want. With this nice plan in mind I went to bed and slept very well, and woke up too late
Opening my eyes I found two notes: one from the mother and a daughter, and I could not help laughing reading in both the same phrase: "From you just hope some comfort." Is not it something to comfort both for and against, and be sole agent of two directly conflicting interests? See me as you and as the Divinity, receiving the wishes of the blind found dead and do not change my immutable decrees. He left, however, this use by the consoling angel, and, according to the precept, I went to visit my friends in distress.
I started with the mother. I've found so sad that this only comes to you, in part, of the obstacles that she suffers because of its beautiful devotee. Everything went perfectly. My only care was that the mother had not taken the time to gain the trust of his daughter, which would have been very easy, her using the language of tenderness and friendship, and giving advice on the reason the air and tone of indulgent tenderness. Fortunately, the severity has been used and, finally, has driven all the bad that I could want. Certainly it has been for all of our plan to bring down the resolution he had taken his daughter back to the convent, but I have stopped the coup, persuading her to make only a threat to the case where Danceny follow the same procedure, and I carried it looks to force the two to some restraint now seems necessary for achievement.
then I see the daughter. Beautifies much the pain! With little flirt you do, cry often, but this After crying without malice. I surprised this new charm did not know and had infinite pleasure in preserving, so I gave him no sooner than those tasteless tips that increase the penalties more than mitigate, and thus put it in terms that would fall convulsions. I advised her to lie down, and agreed, pouring me a maid. Had not arranged her hair, and soon her hair fell loose on her shoulders, and her throat bare, I kissed her, she fell into my arms, and their tears turned to run. Oh God, how beautiful it was! Magdalena If so, should be much more dangerous as penitent as sinful!
So the desolate beauty was in her bed, then I started to comfort her in good faith. Reassured her spot by the fear of returning to the convent. I did hopes of seeing Danceny in secret and, sitting on his bed: "If you were here!" I said, and then on this topic, distraction from distraction led her not to remember more than I was afflicted. We would have entirely separate friends if I had not wanted to entrust a letter to Danceny, which I refused, and see you my reasons, acting in fixed.
course was Danceny commit to, and if this was the only excuse I could give Cecile, you to me There are many others. Would not risk the fruits of my work as soon providing these lovers the easy way to soothe their sorrows? Also, do not force them to weigh me some servants involved in this venture, because, after all, if we do, I hope, will need to be reported immediately to the wedding, and there are few safer means, or if miracle servants not speak, so will we, and be more convenient to attribute to them the folly.
Force, therefore giving you today Danceny this idea, and as I'm not sure the maid of Cecil, which she doubts, tell my faithful Victorine. I will look to step out well. This idea pleases me more as that trust will only be useful for us and not them, because I'm not after my story.
As I refused me to take care of the girl's letter, he feared every moment that I decided to send it off to what could not refuse. Fortunately, it was so distraught he was, through ignorance or because he cared more than the response letter, which
not have been obtained in this way, I talked about this thing, but to prevent him came the idea, or unless you take advantage, took the time my party, and returning to the room mother, I decided to move away for some time from Paris to his daughter, to take her the field. And where? What! Your heart beats with joy not? ... A house of her aunt you, Madame de Rosemonde. Today it should tell you. That already authorized to go see his devoted, would not reproach him since the scandal to be alone with you, and thanks to my care, the same lady Volanges repair the wrong he has done.
But hear me well and not so exclusively occupying their own issues, losing sight of it, think how much I care. I want you to be a correspondent and youth counselor. Report, therefore, this trip to Danceny, and offer their services. But find no difficulty to reach the hands of the beautiful letter card, and overcome the obstacle immediately, indicating the middle of my maid. There is no doubt that he will accept, and you, as a reward for their work, gain the trust of a new heart in love, so it is always interesting. Poor thing! How to blush to give you your first card! In fact, this role of confidant, against which there are so many concerns, it seems a very pleasant entertainment when you have occupation on the other hand, and in this case you will be.
the care is the outcome of this intrigue. Judge what is the right time to meet the actors. The course offers a thousand ways, and Danceny no doubt, will soon go to the first signal that you provide. One night, a disguise, a window ... What do I know? But anyway, if the girl is back in the same state that has gone, I'll blame you. If you think you need some new stimulus for me, say so. I think having given a good lesson about the danger there is in store cards, to dare to write, always follow the idea of making it a disciple of mine.
I think I forgot to tell you that your suspicions point to the discovery of his correspondence, had fallen on her maid, but I made them fall on your confessor. This is killing two birds with one stone.
Goodbye Viscount mine, a long time I'm writing, and my food has slowed, but the esteem and friendship have given my letter, and both are talkative, but otherwise, you will receive it at three, and which is sufficient . Complain
me now, if you dare, and go to see if you're tempted to mount the Count B ***. You say that it retains for the pleasure of his friends. How this man is friends with everyone? Goodbye, I have hunger.
at ..., September 9, 1917 ...
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