1. Who do you angry the last time? I get angry / self-assurance around the world constantly.
2. What is the weapon of your choice? Big Fucking Gun 9000! Frying and imps IDKFA
3. "Hit someone of the opposite sex?
OOOh yeah! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes!
4. What's hit someone of the same sex?
always clear when they deserve it, too.
5. Who was the last person who has really pissed at you?
my mother, but does not count because before birth and was angry with me for doing so.
6. What is your favorite pet to download?
7. Are you resentful?
short term, then I get drunk, kill neurons and oblivion.
1. Is there anything that you're supposed to do every day but do not you? Search
husband in the parish (my grandmother says that there is where the real men).
2. What is the latest time at which you woke up? My biological clock keeps me sleep until later than 12, but then I miss naps superlative.
3. Name one person you should have contacted but have not done.
"Avoid making commitments and engage me, if I call someone is because I want to call it, not because I have."
As the test I copied the
naked, also copied this response.
You and your partner will not know!
6. When was the last time you made a decent sport?
will make a couple of years, spiteful I took a loss gym vigoréxicos legs and I fainted on the steps maker.
7. How many times have you stopped the alarm clock today?
A I at 8:15 and 3 times the neighbor next door, who sleeps with the window open and wake up at 6:45 in the morning, waking me and half the neighborhood.
1. What is your dearest and pijísima favorite alcoholic beverage?
Arg! I only drink national land (but at levels unimaginable by the human being).
2. "Carnivore? Carnivora.
3. What is the maximum amount of alcohol you have taken a hit?
4. Have you ever tried a diet made by a professional?
5. Do you have a score to settle with your weight?
Ehm ... losing weight is if I can not complain about my weight to others without getting a "no girl, you're not fat you're normal"
6. What do you prefer: sweet, salty or spiced hot?
7. Have you ever looked at a small animal or child and thought, "lunch"? Soil
fresh sausage fantasize when I see pigs.
1. How many people have you seen naked? (Excluding family, movies or photos).
Studio Arts, countless!
2. How many people have seen you naked? (Not counting family or medical): Given that when we are children, our parents, our beloved nudity exposed to the eyes of the world ...
3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest once or sex someone package you have chosen to like?
guess so. I have also looked breasts to crap on all those that are bigger than me.
4. Do you "have done"?
I have done many things.
5. What is body part do you like sex a person that you like?
The brain, nose, and then typical.
6. Did he ever been a prostitute propositions?
Ehm, well, an acquaintance of gay life that does not charge its services asked me very strange.
7. Did you have to submit yourself (or have had to go for "your fault") to a pregnancy test?
Yes, I left a pregnant goat.
GREED 1. How many credit cards do you have?
2 ... no credit! What a paradox! A teacher and a visa electron shit for my purchases on the Internet.
2. What is your shop preferred to feel guilty?
3. If you had a million dollars (or euros, for that matter), what would you do? Eating
few Trankimazin to assimilate.
4. What do you prefer: to be rich or famous? Feliz.
5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant winning a lot of money? I have accepted
boring jobs for little money.
6. How many mp3's on your hard drive? 18 gigas
PRIDE 1. What is, the things you've created yourself, what makes you most proud?
An occasional odd jobs.
2. What is most proud that your parents feel about you? My mother claims to have a daughter who reads a page and memorizes it (I have a secret sister.)
3. What would you like to achieve in your life?
Decent work and someone who loves me unconditionally and support.
4. Have you ever participated in a contest of skill, knowing that you were much better than others? Yes
A snowman contest in Sierra Nevada
5. Have you ever cheated to get a higher score?
6. What have you done today to make you feel proud?
LEAVE HALF quijotera a test because I was bursting with pain and not come out the sentences.
ENVY 1. What thing (or person) of your friends wish that was yours or yours?
... Uhm, not usually jealous.
2. How life person you exchanged? with anyone
3. If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?
Marcel Duchamp (when he lived, of course)
4. Did you ever cheated your partner?
I have no partner, but when I had adorned me though quijotera.
5. Is there anything you'd like to change or add to your body?
I would like a third nipple that divining the future by being rubbed.
6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you'd love to have?
That all me sweat.
7. Do you wish I invented this questionnaire?
Ehm, no, not particularly witty
Finally ... What is your favorite deadly sin? Fran
But what disgust me, dammit!
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