Monday, May 25, 2009
Sterowniki Nvidia Geforce4 440 Go 64m
Love is the person you think about the sad songs
I want to tell me that you consideraríais songs perfect, romantic, fun, necessary, warm, pleasant and gentle lovemaking.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
What Do You Need To Brew Cider
Gift invisible friend! XXX
decently each of the gifts but you better commented on this post (also I want to add the f-list ^ ^) and already talked on the comments. I adore you. Seriously. You've been a sun:): D: D ♥
decently each of the gifts but you better commented on this post (also I want to add the f-list ^ ^) and already talked on the comments. I adore you. Seriously. You've been a sun:): D: D ♥
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Adult Western Party Invitation Wording
Fandom: Original .
Characters: Marly, George, Kelly and Zack involved.
Topic: # 30 - Return.
Words: 3. 364. Notes
author: is the continuation that goes right after the last panel. I wrote some time ago, but I could not upload it until now. Was reading it over now to see if everything was alright and, alas, I think every bullet has its time to write it, because now I feel more "ready" for talk about what comes next. Yes, I do not understand or me.
The name of the bullet is invented, or inspired by any other table, can not remember. When I know I will make the appropriate credits. Today
no picture, but I'm going to put a song a while now has begun to mean much, much, for me. And now that I think about it, I think it would also apply to George and Marly. Basshunter - Angel in the night .
suddenly opened his eyes, unveiled in the middle of the night. Had felt in the depths of his subconscious that someone called his name, as if really needed. Marly sat on the bed and touched his head, tossing her hair with the gesture.
yawned and got off the mattress, putting your foot barefoot on the cold floor, although the movement, contrary to what he thought, was a not unpleasant sensation. Moreover, it was as if I had get out of bed and move on. I had a hunch that was leave home, no matter how bizarre that sounded that. He realized then that I had awakened before the image of George come to mind.
hurried out of his habitacióny down the stairs, trying not to make noise. She was wearing her winter pajamas, dark blue, and black hair loose and disheveled. He opened the front door was still feeling sueñoa submerged in a half-finished.
And then he saw it. He. A George. Standing in the driveway, with crumpled jeans, a dark green jersey vee-neck and tangled hair that swirled around him at the start of the ears. He who had heard it was out and looked up, seeing it and was stunned by the unique event. She thought that maybe that would be the result of his twisted imagination needed.
But no. Marly
walked toward him, her bare feet on the grass in the garden, looking as if she had to see for the first time in life. Did not even feel cold. Just felt anguish. He began to run in the last section and, upon reaching it, embraced him with all his might. George
hugged her back, her arms around her and her body, leaning forward and holding it as if it were the most precious thing in the world for him. Was so high that it seemed to be embracing Ela, but the reality was very different. Marly
holding him. Around his neck with his arms and pressed her cheek against his chest. Since I had played had impregnated her feelings and sadness felt under the skin, so real and convincing that I was tempted to mourn. George was part of it, had always been.
George was crying.
-Marly ... You're here. Marly
pressed him harder. He remembered that day in the basketball court, where he had left it for the first and last time.
"Yes, I'm here. I'm with you. And I will not go, George, I promise.
His arms round his back, and she had to stand on tiptoe. George closed his eyes hard and dedicated himself to feel, to feel his touch and his small body in his arms, to smell the cologne he wore raspberry Marly and impregnated her hair, for God had thrown so much.
During the time they were so embraced, neither felt cold.
* * *
George was fairly short at first, holding hands of Marly as she had inside the house. She turned to him once he had closed the door cautiously and put his finger on lips, telling him not to make noise. George had wanted to do many things (and not all innocent) at that time. Marly
had held hands, fingers intertwined with yours, out there, watching him tenderly but cautiously, as if they were signing a silent pact to be made clear to him still hurt, and that he had not forgiven, but it was her friend after all, and I loved him.
climbed the stairs to her front and, once they entered the room, lit Marly his night lamp, that shaped tortoise shell. Without releasing it at any time sat on the bed, on the quilt messy, and leaned back against the wall beside his window. George did the same in front of her, sitting on the edge of the Indian.
-George ... "Marly said, and approached him. Hands stroked her cheeks, like wiping the tears dry, and George was asked what he would have to have someone as Marly in her life. She it was so good even after all. Perhaps it had been an excellent person in another life. Marly
Then he sat down, bending your knees and hugging them.
- Want to talk? He asked.
George sighed and looked at the headboard of his bed, attached horizontally to the wall. Were in the same place where months ago he had fought and stopped speaking when he had suggested not metiese in your life with all but touch.
With elbows on her legs began to twiddle his fingers, then moving to crack. Marly stared with a frown, pursed lips and raised eyebrows, because he had always hated to do that and he knew it.
"It's okay.
Marly smiled. At that time I just wanted him to be fine.
- How'd you know I was down there?
She shrugged.
"I just knew. A hunch. Felt as if someone was calling me.
"You always know things ... before anyone of you have said. "George recalled the suddenness with which the expression of Marly had changed when the party had seen Kelly Elya entering the room. He had burst into tears when he had just a few steps toward them.
"It's a virtue I have," Marly smiled. Something happened to me forever.
-I missed seeing you smile, "said George. Marly
bit his tongue to blame, like a little girl, "and who was to blame, eh?".
- Have you grown recently? I see higher.
George outlined an attempt to smile.
"Nah. Will you have shrunk.
"Do not mess with me or I'll stick.
George raised his arm towards her and brushed her palm with her fingers.
"I hope not. I know from experience that give good punches. Marly
opened his hand, get away from his leg, so George could continue playing it. He took it and began to stroke the fingers passing over them his own, the forefinger and thumb, from bottom to top and vice versa.
"You know my father was two years ago, right? Marly
looked up, it was with downcast eyes, not yet touch George. He kept with it and with its concentration down at his hands.
"I know. I'm your neighbor across and, although it has never been to your house, I noticed that the car of your father desaparecíay no longer return. But I know nothing else.
George laced his fingers with his and then broke the grip, taking her by the wrist and thumb from the back of his hand.
- Remember the time that, for almost two years when I found drugs in the basketball court?
"Yes, Marly, almost solemnly holding their breath.
"A couple of months my father had abandoned us," she confessed. So he wore a gloomy time, behaving differently than normal. But that day ... that afternoon I did something to me for a long time arrependí.
George looked up and, when his eyes were black with theirs, Marly felt a blow to the heart.
"When my father left, my mother started to drink. It was not instantaneous, but it developed over time. The first week a couple of drinks of wine on Saturday, the second followed a few days getting drunk, drinking in the middle third and the fourth throw hangover alcohol morning coffee. He became an alcoholic and when at work gave him a depression, everything got worse.
"When she came home from school had slept the night before. Began to be abandoned, and things constantly scolded: "I have the fault that has left us, I have not been able to retain it, I should have been kinder, wiser, more helpful & hellip ; " was what I was saying all the time, crying and served another drink.
"It was quite humiliating. So I could not tell anyone, I wanted to die every time I opened the front door. Marly
strong held it together.
"I began to hate her like I hated my father for leaving us. There is something you do not know, and my father is psychologically abusive to my mother. I did not understand until I was old enough, and when he was added to my anger. But my mother was not the same ... I felt a lot of frustration at not being able to help, do something to make her feel better, and paid my anger with her hating .... "George came to naught. I had never been particularly good at explaining things, especially what I had to do with himself. That afternoon, the afternoon that found me on the pitch, my mother greeted me at the entrance with a kiss on the cheek. The kiss was dead, drooling, drunk, even disgusted me, so I turned away from her abruptly. She came after me, recriminations that kind of treatment, and said "You're just like your father."
His hoarse voice was heard in that last sentence. George closed his eyes tightly, wishing to forget all the feelings that had produced those words.
"Then I turned and pushed. His head was blunt fury, but still suppressed my instinct and gave little hard. But my mother was weak because only dormíay almost never wanted to eat, and fell to the ground. -George bowed his head and rested his fist against his forehead. God, how horrible was that day.
She rushed to his knees and grabbed him by the wrist.
"Nah, George, you're wrong, his voice was soft, slow voice of Marly. You were not horrible or bad, or you were just like your father. You loved your mother and all she wanted was that it was OK, come back to be the same, but you were a child ... and you could not do anything for her, "What consoled him away from his fist and stroked his knuckles. I'm not saying it was pushing, but it was an impulse, you would not hurt, just separate it so that its presence ceases to hurt. 've Been enduring a long time without telling anyone ...
He looked up at him.
"You're the most sympathetic person I've met in my life.
"I'm not well," said Marly, thinking about Kelly and him. But most of the time try to get in the place of another.
George gave a half smile.
"I know. Marly
sat down on the mattress the same height and, this time in the same position as him. Now she stroked the palm of your hand and rub gently away gesture.
shove-After further explained George, "her up and sat on the couch, asking if he was OK, if he had hurt, but she was so resentful and hurt that just left me. I even think I was afraid. So, as I could not bear the situation, I left home and sought a way to forget.
"I found someone who sold drugs.
"Yes, he knew an area in which they moved. I bought a couple of pills.
And then I found you.
"I hugged," he continued. You made me feel totally safe, understood. I never said I am very proud, and preferred to avoid the subject, but really I thank you, Marly.
"But I could not help it ... you did not have enough confidence in me and tell me ...
" It was not the cut that, "George said. Please Marly, do not think so because you're wrong. The blame has always been mine, I've been unable to come for you. I preferred to stay out all this time ...
"There, George stopped him, watching him with unkempt hair and an expression of tenderness in his eyes. Never more flagella. You are so secretive and difficult to access, and I accept you. Next time I'll take everything as it is, I'll think of some way-gave a small, shy smile. He also watched. What happened to your mother?
"When I returned at night, she was making dinner. I was surprised to see her cook, and while she was busy and back, told him everything. I told him how I felt, what I hated my father and what he wanted she was recovering. I told her I wanted, which cost me a lot, you know these things cost me, and asked for forgiveness for having pushed.
"Oh, George, that was very brave. I'm proud, really.
He smiled.
"She turned to me, crying like a cupcake, he hugged me and told me he was sorry. He promised that things would improve "George sighed. We talked almost all night, and in the end she decided to pull all the alcohol from the house and go to Alcoholics Anonymous.
"Your mother is great.
"Yes, it is. Is very strong, although my father cast a shadow as she does not realized his true potential. Things were not easy and had several relapses, but still went ahead. Fought hard, and I know he did for me, "You could tell in his voice how much I was excited to talk about his mother. One of the things that worried him was the subject economic. My father was an insurance salesman and she a nurse, and at that time we were left with only one salary.
"So was that why you started this summer to work delivering newspapers and mowing lawns.
"Yes. My mother was not allowed to work during school time, so I had no other to do what he could on vacation. She folded her shifts. I worked a lot. So twice I struggled in school.
"And you got the scholarship to the Eagle. George nodded
"You've always been very intelligent.
"Nah," he said, denying the compliment. Is that I have a good memory. Marly
looked at him with raised eyebrows as if to say "Yes ... now."
"So the two get to be super-continued. But your father ...
"My father has returned. He returned a few weeks before the party ... "she said, hesitating a bit at the end.
-No okay, George, you can say, "murmured Marly. It is a taboo subject.
was still stroking her hand, fingers moving gently from the palm to the beginning of his arm.
"I knew something was wrong," continued her. I knew that night, as you saw. You had a lot of ghosts behind the eyes.
- In the eyes?
-curious way of putting it, "he murmured side smiling. We notice that your mother is a writer. Marly
looked at him with complicity.
- How are things now? "He asked.
-Mal, "said George, looking away. If not for the touch of Marly, by her presence and her laughter soft close, which relieved tension, would have felt at that moment a big lump in my throat. But it softened all-Marly. My mother forgave him, but my father has not changed. Remains the same, exactly the same.
denote the bitterness in his voice. Marly looked at him with concern.
I do not know what to do ... I feel totally powerless and frustrated. I wish my father never returned. Rather ... he was dead. He looked
"Do not surprised.
- What?
"It scares you and you are surprised to read that.
"I feel normal, George. Your mother is so ... so good person, "she whispered, her voice small. I do not mean that poor people deserve something like this but ... is she ... I do not know how many times I've seen has been so sweet to me, and it's your mother, and tell me how much they changed without ...
felt he did not know how to explain, not Although the words came out so hard and difficult subject, with anguish, yet she knew he understood what he meant.
"I understand that ... you feel powerless over what happens. But George, what can you do? You're not even an adult yet ... Yo ... if you could denounce him pegase and evidence, but if the abuser is psychologically much more difficult ... She should leave, but of course it is not easy. Nothing is easy in this type of situation.
Marly watched with a look of anguish on his face, mouth ajar. George did not understand what was so nervous.
"I'm not giving any useful advice ..." she admitted, looking down to get to talk to his chest. Oh, George, have you waited so long to face it, to tell me your problems and in the end ... I will not serve anything.
George opened his eyes, amazed.
- What do you mean? "Realized that there was a heightened voice, and hurried down the tone. No, Marly, no, you're very wrong.
He lifted his chin and stroked her skin with your fingers.
-Marly, my ... "He paused a moment, a silence. my best friend, my many things, how can you see, with how smart you are, how much you help me? Just for being you, just ... to be with me. Marly
felt his eyes moistened. He knelt down and hugged her against his body and resting his head on hers.
"In the end you told me," she whispered. You took, but you told me. My mother was right ... I'm glad I had patience.
George returned the hug with a smile and eyes closed.
"Patience is what you have left. Without it, the kick would have given me some time. Marly
laughed and shook her shoulders and stomach.
When separated from him, took her face in her hands and gave him a kiss on the mouth, naive but sincere.
"I love you just said. George
put her hair behind her ears and looked at her with such love and had not looked at anyone. Marly smiled, his eyes on hers, with his nose almost touching his.
With all their hopes resting on the palm of your hand.
* * *
George climbed into bed beside her. Marly side was left attached to the wall. Liked and did not know why. Marly
rested her head on his chest. He was dressed in normal clothes, but he said he did not care. I felt her breathing on his neck, his warm breath tickling. She put her hand on his head, burying his fingers through his hair. Marly was the eyes open for a long time, but George, totally calmed by her presence, which was like a balm or valium , fell asleep immediately.
Marly was pleased to see that no snoring. He smiled and stuck him use whatever, if anything was possible.
recalled his conversation with Zack, way back in the park, and repeated to himself a specific phrase. George could be anything he wanted, they both could be as different as possible, but that does not mean what he was . You
me, he thought, just before falling asleep, feeling calm and at peace with the world.
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